Showing 1 - 10 of 37
The current financial and economic crisis has highlighted the inadequacy of existing institutional and policy arrangements at the EU level. Even before this crisis, the EU economic growth was low, by international standards, revealing deep structural problems across EU countries, especially in...
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Lobby activities are often likened to the misuse of authority and bad practices.
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Romanian Abstract: Funcţia principală a oraşelor, cea de apărare faţă de ameninţările exterioare, a suferit mutaţii diverse în timp, generate de factori politici, economici şi de progres tehnologic. Adaptarea permanentă a sistemelor de apărare atât la diversificarea formelor...
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Romanian Abstract: Teoriile privind deficitul bugetar au cunoscut multe evoluţii şi puncte de vedere divergente. Economistul Paul Krugman vedea in deficitul bugetar una dintre cele mai mari invenţii în materie de finanţe, o bază importantă pentru dezvoltarea viitoare. Robert Eisner un...
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Universul bancar se caracterizează prin multiple dimensiuni ale riscurilor financiare care afectează performanţele. Această multiplicare a riscurilor bancare ridică probleme de definire a diferitelor riscuri. În aceşti ultimi ani s-au făcut progrese odată cu reglementarea riscurilor...
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This paper presents a concret model of comparative quality educational process from an university, based on particular indicators system. In the same time is presented a comparation between traditional education system and education based on total quality system..
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In this paper we present an alternative bio-epistemological-based approach to economic ethics issues, which suggests that economists need not only an understanding of the ecosystem in terms of irreversibility, but even more, an understanding of the way the process in ecosystem make actual the...
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The ideas have a fundamental importance for world’s destiny.
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Romanian Abstract: Criza globală care a afectat întreaga Planetă Pământ ne-a demonstrat că nu suntem pregătiţi pentru a face faţă provocărilor tot mai complexe ale momentului. Tranziţia la societatea sănătoasă de mâine, pe care am numit-o societatea ecolonomică presupune...
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The paper presents the role of the National Radio in socialization process. Also, the author analyses the Majestic Experiment for the radio theatre audition with students.
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