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There are some significant theoretical and technological approaches on the issue of object-relational "impedance mismatch" between applications' abstract model and database structures. Two characteristics of those approaches we think that are questionable: first of all it is so called...
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an MDA framework to map an object oriented (UML formalized) model to object-relational structures of today’s database …
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In the context of millennium development business, speed and adaptability to change are the key words. So to meet increasingly strong competition, information, transmitted in real time, enable companies to anticipate their customers needs and developments in the global market. Organizations now...
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Conceptul de management al relatiilor cu clientii (CRM) a fost intens dezbatut in literatura de management-marketing, facand obiectul unor variate definitii. Dintr-o perspectiva tehnologica, CRM descrie metodologiile si solutiile software folosite de organizatie pentru a utiliza in mod optim...
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Intr-o lume grabita si agitata, care pe zi ce trece devine tot mai greu de inteles, este important ca etica sa nu fie tratata drept ceva indepartat de viata reala, o disciplina care isi are locul doar in bibliotecile universitatilor. Etica vorbeste despre valori, despre bine si rau; atat oamenii...
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Acronimul CRM a intrat relativ recent in limbajul decidentilor si specialistilor de marketing. Anii '90 au marcat tranzitia de la marketingul tranzactional la marketingul relational. Astfel, orientarea axata pe realizarea unui numar cat mai mare de tranzactii pe termen scurt a inceput sa fie...
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