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At once with the development of money as medium of exchange, the feudal lords found out an easy way to obtain more monetary resources by monopolizing the coins’ mint. As result, they used to ask a certain percent from the gold quantity that people wanted to transform in coins (call brassage)....
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În cuprinsul prezentei lucrări sunt examinate valenţele indicatorului “coeficientul de determinare standardizat”, propus de autor, pentru cuantificarea eficienţei utilizării variabilelor explicative şi a ierarhizării condiţiilor care trebuie îndeplinite în cazul unor teste...
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Romanian Abstract: Costurile pot reprezenta un aspect important al deciziilor din afaceri. Cunoaşterea principalelor componente ale costurilor poate fi utilă în planificarea financiară. În plus, comparaţia dintre costul şi preţul unui produs facilitează studiul profitabilităţii...
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Conceptul de management al relatiilor cu clientii (CRM) a fost intens dezbatut in literatura de management-marketing, facand obiectul unor variate definitii. Dintr-o perspectiva tehnologica, CRM descrie metodologiile si solutiile software folosite de organizatie pentru a utiliza in mod optim...
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The importance and increasing role of Internet in nowadays business area are officially recognized. No matter the industry a company is operating in, the distribution channels include direct sales through Internet. Following this idea, also the insurance companies decided to sell their insurance...
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Business may be interpreted as a ,,game" that earns only the very ,,strong" and trained or competitive activity, leaving the losers who only know how to obtain profit. The online business companies changed the rules of the trade game everywhere and for everybody. The new created models became a...
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