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distribution system improvement, the new technologies, the bio-technologies etc., represent opportunities for increasing the food …
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structure of the distribution network. However we can’t talk about the dissolution of each country’s specificity, because the … retailing commerce, unlike the production, still remains a local industry. In future, the rate of evolution for the distribution … will be accelerated and the mutations registered in the past will be amplified. This is because the distribution and …
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The main objective of every firm is the creation of value, respectively the investment for which the efficiency resulted is above the profitability ratio required by the shareholders. In this paper are presented the fianancial indicators used for a proper value measuring of the firm’s...
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Dezvoltarea marketingului relational s-a datorat schimbarilor aparute in coordonatele mediului de afaceri international pe parcursul ultimelor decade, concretizate intr-o intensificare a concurentei si maturizare vizibila a pietelor. Optimizarea valorii clientilor, focalizarea activitatilor...
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E-commerce is one of the most growing phenomena of our days. The paper reveals the ethics argument in e-commerce along … with its elements that must be found in web sites. Ethics becomes more and more important in commercial transactions next …
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Etica in marketing vizeaza aplicarea normelor si principiilor morale opticii si practicii de marketing. Modalitatea de concretizare a normelor de etica o reprezinta codurile si regulile generale de comportament elaborate de diferite organizatii profesionale, de intreprinderi sau asociatii ale...
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Plecand de la ideea ca activitatea de creatie publicitara vizeaza mentalul indivizilor, se ridica o serie de probleme in ceea ce priveste respectarea unor reguli de etica in raport cu consumatorii. Lucrarea de fata ofera un cadru pentru a determina care este perceptia consumatorilor din mediul...
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The ideas have a fundamental importance for world’s destiny.
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