Showing 1 - 10 of 97
The mechanical observation provides researchers with valuable information relative to aspects such as: the intensity of the flows of persons/objects; characteristics of the individual or group behavior; individual emotions; intensity of preference; physiological reactions; media audience; reading...
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The logistics information system is part of the information system of the organization that is integrated in the supply chain and is correlated with the partner organizations. An effective logistics information system ensures communication on two levels, between organizations and within the...
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Supply Chain Execution (SCE) software solutions represent an attractive market for both application providers and users. The paper refers to the characteristics of the SCE market and focuses on the warehouse management systems (WMS). The main features and functions of the WMS are addressed. The...
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The interviewer is a major source of errors in surveys, besides the researcher and the respondent. This situation is specific to the types of surveys that rely on the abilities and the activities of the interviewer, such as the street/mall-intercept, the survey at the respondent’ home or the...
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Romanian Abstract: Comunicarea rezultatelor evaluării este esențială pentru un proiect sau program, întrucât poate ridica sau reduce valoarea acestuia în fața partenerilor și a publicului larg. Rolul comunicării în acest proces este de a construi o relație între actorii implicați,...
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During the extensive development, marketing entered all the economic fields and then expanded outside the economic area. In present, the main purpose is the orientation to the market, with several specific characteristics. Thanks to the action of several factors (high quality, liable products,...
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In cadrul pietei de capital, actioneaza doua categorii de investitori: investitori profesionali si investitori individuali. Investitorii profesionali sunt considerati investitorii care detin experienta si cunostinte si sunt calificati pentru a lua decizii de investitii si pentru evaluarea...
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Macromarketingul reprezinta un aspect al marketingului al carui obiect central de studiu este interfata dintre politicile macro-economice si efectele acestora asupra societatii. In plus, acesta foloseste la studiul oportunitatilor asociate marketingului, a efectelor pozitive pe care le induce in...
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Activitatile promotionale in domeniul serviciilor de sanatate sunt influentate si diversificate de nivelul ridicat de canale de comunicatie disponibile. Pe langa mijloacele media traditionale, printre instrumentele promotionale sunt incluse elemente ce asigura tangibilitatea serviciilor, mai...
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Optiunea pentru o anumita strategie de promovare are la baza cunoasterea caracteristicilor consumatorilor de pe piata tinta. In acest caz, nu se poate vorbi despre o influenta semnificativa a comportamentului consumatorului asupra strategiei de promovare. Influenta este, mai degraba, dinspre...
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