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The material presents the main characteristics of the OCD adapted to the higher education system and the quality management principles.
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Romanian Abstract: Plantele cultivate trebuie protejate prin măsuri specifice – tratamente fitosanitare – datorită capacităţii lor de autoapărare reduse împotriva unor factori biotici nefavorabili (buruieni, boli şi dăunători). Principala direcţie de perfecţionare a tehnologiilor...
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetările s-au desfăşurat în perioada 2012-2013 la Staţiunea de Cercetare Dezvoltare Oradea în următoarele variante: V1 – irigat, fără suspendarea udărilor; V2 – irigat cu suspendarea udărilor în Mai; V3 – Irigat cu suspendarea udărilor în Iunie; V4 –...
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetările s-au efectuat în anul 2014, în condiţiile de la Husasău de Tinca, nord-vestul României, în condiţii de solar. Au fost studiaţi 4 hibrizi: Szatmar, Mirabelle, Crispina şi Pasalimo. Cea mai mare producţie timpurie de castraveţi s-a obţinut la hibridul...
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One of the biggest problems facing humanity today is the nourishment problem and not as food seen in terms of quantity but especially in terms of quality. Quality of food in general we can say that it is in direct line with the quality of life. A significant part of the world's population lives...
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The article approaches the characteristic, the organization, the coordination, the functioning, the mechanism for setting and the results of the channels of the products obtained from sheep: meat, milk and wool in Romania.
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Romanian Abstract: Funcţia principală a oraşelor, cea de apărare faţă de ameninţările exterioare, a suferit mutaţii diverse în timp, generate de factori politici, economici şi de progres tehnologic. Adaptarea permanentă a sistemelor de apărare atât la diversificarea formelor...
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In the functional market economy, due to the intense competition, the service suppliers are forced to consider, as far as utility and the tariff of the services are concerned, the needs, requests and expectations of the consumers. This fact is imposed with necessity because the consumers are...
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The changing of development model signifies the production of new values and new quality criteria, implies the finding of new economy and production forms, and attracts major changes in lifestyle and nowadays behaviors from everybody of us. The designers could assume a very important role,...
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We are experiencing a convoluted period regarding the answers to the questions about the European Union integration. We are trying to determine the criteria of existence on the EU market, a developing market in itself or rather one that is trying to adjust to the global market. Could the...
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