Showing 1 - 10 of 44
The success of the education system in Romania will be possible only through a network of long-term educational viable universities on an increasingly demanding and more aware market. Consequently, higher education studies institutions will have to meet as soon as possible the requirements of...
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During the decision process, one has to take into consideration more than one criterion, the alternative that meets as many criteria as possible being chosen eventually. As it is impossible to reach the maximum level that is wished for separately for each criterion at the same time, one has to...
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Romanian Abstract: În timpul regimului comunist din România aspectele economice erau abordate în învăţământul superior românesc primordial din perspectiva doctrinei marxiste. După 1989 întregul sistem de învăţământ românesc a fost reformat pentru a face faţă cerinţelor care...
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This paper refers only to the performance in didactic process, that is, in the activities of didactic personnel with the students. The study is based on the author’s experience in some programs conducted within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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This paper presents the two most important factors that influence the development of quality management in education: the globalization and the sustainable development. The four well known quality management principles (Deming) can be adapted and implemented in the education system case, too.
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The article analyzes the necessity for studying the efficiency in the education area. In the same time, the discussion is focused on the main perspective of efficiency’s analysis: classical perspective and systemic perspective. This paper is an integrated part of the research program Micro and...
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Universitatile sunt considerate institutii ale "invatarii". Dar, cine si ce invata in universitati? Ceea ce se iInvata in universitati reflecta necesitatile unei societati antreprenoriale? Analiza literaturii de specialitate demonstreaza clar ca, la nivel international, s-a scris si discutat...
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În cuprinsul prezentei lucrări sunt examinate valenţele indicatorului “coeficientul de determinare standardizat”, propus de autor, pentru cuantificarea eficienţei utilizării variabilelor explicative şi a ierarhizării condiţiilor care trebuie îndeplinite în cazul unor teste...
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The scope of this article is to present how the Romania’s counties evolved, relying on certain main indicators meant to find the level of cultural, social and economic development for the period 2004-2007. As three aspects considered as “hidden” factors are to be analyzed by several...
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The paper aims to evaluate the opportunity of using mathematic estimation models within economic discounting computation. Several approximation models from the numerical methods theory will be considered in order to determine the evolution trend for investment projects’ economic indicators....
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