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The process of the European integration and the developing of the internal market have led to the necessity of introducing a common policy for the consumers’ protection. As the policy for the consumers’ protection has been established as a well-structured policy at the levelof the European...
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E-commerce highlights the vast area of electronic interchange connected to the commercial activities that involve both the relations between enterprises as well as the relations between enterprises and consumers, referring especially to information interchange, product transactions, equipments,...
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Consumer protection is an activity rather new in Romania where from political reasons there were no preoccupations in this area before 1990. After the transition at the market economy it was very clear that Romania needed to create a law system for the protection of the consumers, coherent,...
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According to the agricultural patterns existing in the EU, the objectives of the Romanian baking industry should ensure the alimentary safety, introduce the European competitive technologies and manufacturing process, harmonize the Romanian law with the communitary acquis and implement it, match...
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The consumers’ protection could be realized both in a direct way, explicitly, through the juridical and parajuridical actions that consumers can use against the economic agents offering unsuitable merchandises or promoting illicit commercial practices and in an indirect way, implicitly,...
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Romanian Abstract: Contribuţia sectorului energetic la producerea schimbărilor climatice este considerată deosebit de importantă, în special prin efectele produse de arderea combustibililor fosili, emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera generate de această activitate fiind considerate una...
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Romanian Abstract: În contextul actualei crize economice, reducerea costurilor are o importanţă deosebită în orice domeniu de activitate. Totodată, conformarea cu cerinţele de mediu reprezintă de asemenea un factor esenţial. Datorită acestor aspecte, analiza eco-economică,...
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Romanian Abstract: Optimizarea consumului de energie actual este unul din principalele preocupări ale specialiştilor din acest domeniu la nivel mondial. Începând cu anii ′70 a început să se realizeze importanţa şi necesitatea de a dezvolta o strategie de utilizare a energie electrice....
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In the last years there have bean many attempts to elaborate strategies for economic and energetic development in Romania, but the unsteadiness of the political frame produces changes of legislative frame. In that social, economical and political context some components of those strategies have...
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Despite the considerable progress achieved by Romania in regenerative energies, especially for the hydro energy, the energy production from biomass still has a great unused potential compared with other EU countries. The interest for biomass has increased over the last years in the EU also in...
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