Showing 1 - 10 of 23
Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare studiază unele schimbări importante intervenite în politica monetară începând cu sfârşitul secolului trecut. Sunt abordate principalele procese care au cauzat aceste schimbări: dezvoltarea inovaţiilor financiare, liberalizarea pieţelor financiare,...
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Any decision is eventually the product of a procedure which requires assembling a multitude of primary information, passed through reiterative processes both of organisation and of analysis. The procedures also regard “pushing” these transformed/processed towards preparatory levels only to...
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The world financial market is an extremely complex system that involves many different participants from local banks to the central bank of each nation and the investors. Due to its importance on the global economy and our everyday lives it is vital that it is functioning properly....
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare abordează câteva din provocările recente ale ţintirii inflaţiei. Circumstanţele sunt diferite pentru ţările în curs de dezvoltare faţă de cele dezvoltate. În multe dintre ţările în curs de dezvoltare băncile centrale au adoptat ţintirea...
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Toate ţările membre ale Uniunii Europene trebuie să asigure armonizarea instrumentelor de politică monetară utilizate cu cele ale Băncii Centrale Europene. Analizând comparativ instrumentele de politică monetară ale Băncii Naţionale a Românei şi pe cele ale Băncii Centrale...
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The monetary policy decision, as any other decision, is the product of a procedure assembling a lot of primary information, but also what type of other ingredients contribute finally to a certain monetary policy decision.
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The normalisation of behaviours in economy starts with the definition of conduct rules and of defence means.
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Throughout the EU, retailing is increasingly becoming dominated by a small number of supermarket chains.
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distinctive characteristics of the competitive mechanism in the digital economy and information product markets. Specific properties of digital goods and information markets are considered.
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