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During the extensive development, marketing entered all the economic fields and then expanded outside the economic area. In present, the main purpose is the orientation to the market, with several specific characteristics. Thanks to the action of several factors (high quality, liable products,...
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In order for the companies to be successful in the market, they have to permanently focus their efforts towards better understanding and continuous meeting both current and potential needs and expectations of all their customers. Additionally, the organizations should identify the proper methods...
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Conceptul de management al relatiilor cu clientii (CRM) a fost intens dezbatut in literatura de management-marketing, facand obiectul unor variate definitii. Dintr-o perspectiva tehnologica, CRM descrie metodologiile si solutiile software folosite de organizatie pentru a utiliza in mod optim...
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Orientarea organizatiilor spre marketingul relational a adus in prim plan trei concepte a caror importanta a crescut semnificativ in ultimul deceniu: atragerea, retentia si recastigarea clientilor pierduti. In mod firesc, se prefigureaza intrebarea privind gradul de prioritate al atragerii si...
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Taking into account the main, already established marketing orientations the present article aims at stressing the dominant characteristic of contemporary marketing that it presents as a new paradigm of the last two decades. By emphasizing the meaning of relationship capital as fundamental...
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Definirea conceptului de calitate a vietii are multe variante in literatura de specialitate, plecand de la o definitie generala pana la una care prezinta conceptul prin intermediul componentelor sale sau al ariilor de aplicabilitate. Calitatea vietii este definita de specialistii din aria...
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Dezvoltarea marketingului relational s-a datorat schimbarilor aparute in coordonatele mediului de afaceri international pe parcursul ultimelor decade, concretizate intr-o intensificare a concurentei si maturizare vizibila a pietelor. Optimizarea valorii clientilor, focalizarea activitatilor...
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