Showing 1 - 10 of 93
Romanian Abstract: În timpul regimului comunist din România aspectele economice erau abordate în învăţământul superior românesc primordial din perspectiva doctrinei marxiste. După 1989 întregul sistem de învăţământ românesc a fost reformat pentru a face faţă cerinţelor care...
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The article analyzes the training process, emphasizing some interesting aspects : the organization’s influence over the training methods, the influence of the training process over the learners etc. This paper is an integrated part of the research program “Micro and macrosystemic efficiency...
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The article analyzes the necessity for studying the efficiency in the education area. In the same time, the discussion is focused on the main perspective of efficiency’s analysis: classical perspective and systemic perspective. This paper is an integrated part of the research program Micro and...
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Romanian Abstract: Simpla coexistență și exercițiul simultan a drepturilor morale și a drepturilor patrimoniale asupra creației intelectuale, conduce la o foarte strânsă legătură între drepturile morale și drepturile patrimoniale, în sensul că exercițiul drepturilor patrimoniale...
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Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale este esențială, independent de sursa lor formală, de la nivel național, internațional sau regional, raportat la creația protejată, îndeosebi datorită faptului că aceasta beneficiză de o...
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Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă în decizia autorului de a pune opera sa în contact cu publicul. Nașterea drepturilor patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu are nicio legătură cu divulgarea creației, ci mai degrabă cu aptitudinea...
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The explicit and tacit (implicit) knowledge are defined by antithesis to obtain a clear delimitation between two concepts. It is emphasized the role of these knowledge in the communication between individuals and between firms (organizations, societies etc.). The human performance is appreciated...
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In this work it is shown that the role of the knowledge management in organizations is to create a work environment that promotes creation, distribution, storage and use of knowledge. The explicit management of knowledge through distribution and storage of knowledge in different ways, promote...
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The Internet and computer networks have changed the way the activities are performed in various fields. Using a computer connected to Internet, the access to services offered in electronically forms is unlimited. The social and human sciences have also been affected by information technologies....
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The paper is focused on the influence of some variables over the training process for higher education managers. These variables are: scientific novelties in the management area, necessity for communication, training and autotraining process etc. This paper represents a small part of the...
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