Showing 1 - 10 of 10
Romanian Abstract: Cuvântul care caracterizează conjunctura economică a Turciei este incertitudinea determinată, în primul rând, de situația politică instabilă a regiunii, care s-a transmis în politica internă și a fost accentuată apoi de transformările care au loc în sistemul...
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Using generation approach we examine the genesis and mechanisms in major financial crisis and focus on the recent sub – prime crisis. We believe that in the era of increased financial globalization a reliable approach has to consider besides fundamental factors multiple equilibriums and self...
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Viewed in the context of geopolitical and geostrategic current and through the elements of distinction in terms of identity and cultural institutions, chart Romania - NATO / Israel - EU stands under the sign of the common interest channel, firstly, on common values and hence the collective...
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In the complex connection process of national economies to global economy flows, an important role has the foreign trade, which in recent decades has become, in the market economy conditions, one of the factors determining for economic growth. Foreign trade, as a separate branch of the national...
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Romanian Abstract: Cu toate că Germania a continuat să reprezinte „locomotiva” economică ṣi ancora de stabilitate a UE, iar ca urmare a reformelor ambiṭioase întreprinse în ultimul deceniu, economia federală a demonstrat o deosebită rezistenṭă la efectele negative ale ultimelor...
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Last decades have been the most turbulent in international monetary history in terms of the number, extent and severity of the economic and financial crises. There were more speculative bubbles in the period 1980-2000 than in any previous period, and Japan and Latin American countries...
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This paper presents a few general considerations regarding the SAPARD Program (Agriculture and Rural Development Special Preaccession Program). The SAPARD Program represent one of the three European Union financial instruments (ISPA, PHARE and SAPARD) assisting candidate countries to prepare...
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This paper aims at the balance between the citizen and the public authorities with public services as an interface. Public services place themselves at the crossroads of many elements such as: needs of the citizen, social need, public will, public resources, private availability, and civic...
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Romania are placed on the last place in the Top of Europe in terms of government efficiency. This position is given by the value of a many indicators, often used in World Bank assessments, that takes into account the capacity of central and local government, the characteristics of the regulatory...
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Romania are placed on the last place in the Top of Europe in terms of government efficiency. This position is given by the value of a many indicators, often used in World Bank assessments, that takes into account the capacity of central and local government, the characteristics of the regulatory...
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