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Comunicarea de marketing a devenit un fenomen extrem de important prin amploarea si implicatiile sale asupra vietii organizatiilor si a societatii in general. Succesul unei organizatii, atat din punct de vedere economic si financiar, cat si pe plan social, este conditionat de modul in care...
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Within the contemporary economic conditions, enterprises might achieve a competitive advantage if only they sell goods and services with high quality and lower prices. Customers, usually, prefer quality goods with acceptable prices, while such goods create reputation with the particular brand....
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The interest in brand marketing and management has strongly increased during the last two decades. Brands represent core elements of any marketing strategy and essential assets to any company. Yet, a complete formulation and approach of its definition and significance has been neglected, both in...
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Plecand de la ideea ca activitatea de creatie publicitara vizeaza mentalul indivizilor, se ridica o serie de probleme in ceea ce priveste respectarea unor reguli de etica in raport cu consumatorii. Lucrarea de fata ofera un cadru pentru a determina care este perceptia consumatorilor din mediul...
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Romanian Abstract: Adeseori, unele decizii financiare ale familiilor, precum cele care privesc împrumuturile, consumul, economisirea sau investiţiile sunt adoptate în moduri care diferă semnificativ de ipotezele finanţelor tradiţionale. Finanţele comportamentale ale familiei încearcă...
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Romanian Abstract: Acest studiu analizează bunăstarea financiară și determinanții acesteia, inclusiv alfabetizarea financiară, abordând principalii factori care conduc la nivelul scăzut de incluziune financiară și interdependența dintre dezvoltarea sistemului financiar și educația...
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Romania was beginning in 1990 a complex process of transition. The Romanian centralized economy has failed and our country was obligated to begin the reforms. These reforms included both the economic area and the social area. In the economic area, the objective of the reforms constituted the...
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