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Increasing international interdependation, world globalization and integrational processes causes, that particular businesses are more and more involved to the international business and must face to increasing competitive pressure. Business praxis shows, that without internationalization of...
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The submitted paper deals with the finacial management characteristics in agriculture enterprises, as well as financial positions, financial results and controlling as an instrument ensuring planning, monitoring and adopting recovery measurements within financial management. Since the major...
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The aim of this paper is to present a spectrum of approaches to managerial income statement assembling. In the preface, we explain the managerial income statement concept. We define it as a report processed for the needs of inter-business management, which intermediates various views on business...
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- both categories are presently key vehicles to maintain competitiveness of globally operating businesses. Initially …
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The article deals with the analysis of tools that are used to manage the increasing complexity that has come out in the automotive industry during the recent years due to significant changes in the business environment. The ability to manage the increasing complexity of the processes and...
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Autorka v príspevku analyzuje a porovnáva dva základné systémy obchodovania s emisnými povoleniami a to systém „limit a obchod“ a systém „základ a kredit“. Analyzuje výhody respektíve nevýhody využitia environmentálnych daní resp. obchodovateľných emisných povolení pri...
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Predmetom článku sú historické a filozofické súvislosti, ktoré podnietili vznik koncepcie udržateľnosti a udržateľného rozvoja. Od významných historických míľnikov, akými bolo napr. vydanie diela Silvicultura oekonomica, v ktorom bola stanovená definícia udržateľného...
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Autorka v článku analyzuje vzťah ekonómie a životného prostredia v dielach veľkých ekonómov 18., 19. storočia a na koniec 20. storočia. Pozoruje vzťah hlavných ekonomických prúdov k danej otázke. Autorka ďalej vysvetľuje podstatu environmentálnej ekonómie, ekonómie...
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organization of different clusters with various specialisations in different areas. The main objective of the analysis is to … determine clearly the characterisation and taxonomy of clusters, specific reasons for establishing/running a cluster, and the …
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