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This paper is concerned with the role of committees in collective decision-making processes in a world where agents … must be motivated to collect information. Committees improve the quality of decision-making by providing information and by … affect final decisions? Second, what is the optimal composition of a committee from the decision maker's point of view? As to …
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> This paper is concerned with the role of committees in collective decision-makingprocesses in a world where agents must be … motivated to collect information. Committees improvethe quality of decision-making by providing information and by coordinating … preferences of the committeemembers should be aligned to those of the decision maker. Members with similar preferences asthe …
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> This paper is concerned with the role of committees in collective decision-makingprocesses in a world where agents must be … motivated to collect information. Committees improvethe quality of decision-making by providing information and by coordinating … preferences of the committeemembers should be aligned to those of the decision maker. Members with similar preferences asthe …
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Administration in organizations emerged as a specific field of inquiry for social sciences in the middle of the twentieth century. Herbert Simon has defined a program that allows social sciences to move from principles to concepts about action and action taking. Four main perspectives of...
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L'objectif de cet article est de reconsiderer la theorie des irréversibilités decisionnelles dans un cadre non …
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To address the neurocognitive mechanisms that underlie choices made after receiving information from an anonymous individual, reaction times (Experiment 1) and event-related brain potentials (Experiment 2) were recorded as participants played 3 variants of the Coin Toss game. In this game,...
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. Sensitization can reduce this bias and, therefore, could be important to auditor training and the design of decision aids …
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We investigate how a supply chain involving a risk-neutral supplier and a downside-risk-averse retailer can be coordinated with a supply contract. We show that the standard buy-back or revenue-sharing contracts may not coordinate such a channel. Using a definition of coordination of supply...
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This study examines various determinants of idiosyncratic risk from the perspective of un-diversified REIT investors, managers holding options, other option holders, and arbitrageurs. Since real estate investment trusts (REITs) enjoy a unique organizational structure and tax status, the relevant...
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the role of search for information. However, search methods are not considered in the theory of portfolio choice. We …
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