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The literature of private provision of public goods suggests that incentive to contribute is inversely related to group size. This paper empirically tests this relationship using field data from Chinese Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia. We exploit an exogenous reduction in group size as a...
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We examined whether people conform to or diverge from the most popular choice among their friends by conducting a large-scale field experiment on a leading social-networking site in China. Our setting allowed us to minimize confounding effects such as pre-existing taste similarities between a...
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The literature on the private provision of public goods suggests an inverse relationship between incentives to contribute and group size. We find, however, that after an exogenous reduction of group size at Chinese Wikipedia, the nonblocked contributors decrease their contributions by 42.8...
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The literature of private provision of public goods suggests thatincentive to contribute is inversely related to group size. This paperempirically tests this relationship using field data from ChineseWikipedia, an online encyclopedia. We exploit an exogenous reduction ingroup size as a result of...
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We analyze the optimal strategy of a high-quality incumbent that faces alow-quality ad-sponsored competitor. In addition to competing throughadjustments of tactical variables such as price or advertisingintensity, we allow the incumbent to consider changes in its businessmodel. We consider four...
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Theories of multi-sided markets suggest that a platform's pricingstrategies on different sides of the market are closely linked, and inparticular, an increase in competition on one side may lead to anincrease in price on other sides. We empirically examine platforms'pricing strategies by...
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Economists have debated the extent to which strengthening patent protection spurs or detracts from technological innovation. This paper examines the reduction of software copyright protection in the Lotus v. Borland decision. If patent and copyright protections are substitutes, weakening of one...
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This article analyses the effect of the asset purchase programmes implemented by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England in the wake of the global financial crisis on market- and survey-based measures of inflation expectations. The analysis suggests that central bank asset purchases did have...
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