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La presente etude traite des facteurs qui influent sur la decision de l'entreprise de former le personnel a la lumiere des donnees de plusieurs enquetes recentes de Statistique Canada, qui portaient sur l'utilisation des technologies de pointe dans les entreprises de fabrication canadiennes....
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connexes sur l'evolution technologique et l'innovation ont mene a l'elaboration de systemes visant a classer les secteurs d … tiennent pas compte du degre d'innovation, ni des competences du capital humain que l'on retrouve dans certains secteurs d …
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This study examines the factors influencing a firm's decision to train, using data taken from several recent Statistic Canada surveys that explore advanced technology use by Canadian manufacturing plants. Advanced technology adoption has been both rapid and pervasive, leading to concerns about...
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. First, it constitutes a multidimensional approach to industry classification. As different concepts - such as innovation …
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This paper describes the evidence that several Statistics Canada studies have developed on the importance of innovation … to growth and the need for highly skilled workers in the innovation process. Rather than focusing on broad industry … frequently distinguishes faster from slower growing firms is innovation. Innovators in turn place greater emphasis on training …
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The traditional way of understanding television content consumption and viewer reactions may be simply summarised: information about the program, viewing at airing time, and interpersonal discussion after the program. In our digital media environment due to crossmedia consumption and platform...
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A DESIGNKOMMUNIKÁCIÓ egy olyan kapcsolatteremtési szemléletet képvisel amely HÍD-ként jelenik meg a különböző diszciplínák és diskurzusok, a társadalom és a gazdaság jelenségei között. A módszerével valós idejű kapcsolatot lehet teremteni oktatás, kutatás és...
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Cikkünk oktatás-módszertani fejlesztői prezentáció, két eltérő profilú felsőoktatási intézmény többéves együttműködéséből létrejövő projektsorozat bemutatása. Egyedülálló oktatási programunkban, mely a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Marketing és Média Intézete és...
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This paper examines the ways that innovation status as opposed to technology use affects the training activities of … programs than non-users. Here, innovation status within the group of technology users also affects the training decision. In … equipment by extensively implementing training that is highly firm-specific. This suggests that innovation requires new skills …
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impact on innovation in the economy. Experimentation is important in a dynamic, market-based economy. A key part of the … worker skills, which is partially related to training, complements innovation and contributes to growth. …
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