Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Since the late 1990s, conditional cash transfers (CCTs) have been broadly disseminated as one of the best practices in social protection. Brazil has been a pioneer in this area and today has one of the largest CCTs in the world, covering 26 per cent of the population. Created by the government...
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Desde o final dos anos 1990, os programas de transferências condicionadas de renda (PTC) vêm sendo amplamente disseminados como melhores práticas em matéria de proteção social. O Brasil foi pioneiro nesta área e hoje conta com um dos maiores programas de PTC do mundo, cobrindo 26 por...
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This paper discusses the link between Bolsa Família, Brazil?s largest direct income-transfer programme, and the citizen?s basic income as established in Brazilian legislation. Although these two initiatives were created by law almost simultaneously, the relationship between them does not seem...
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En los últimos 10 años se han establecido programas de Transferencia Monetaria Condicionadas (TMC) en más de una docena de países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Mientras los modelos originales han sido ampliamente diseminados, los nuevos programas han tenido que enfrentar temas que aún no...
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We describe several characteristics of the two most important targeted cash transfer programs in Brazil, the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) and the Bolsa Familia. We discuss their institutional aspects, long term sustainability, beneficiaries and levels of targeting. We also address the need for...
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In the context of the increasing prominence of conditional cash transfers (CCTs) in the development agenda of many developing countries, this Country Study provides an analytic overview of the challenges faced by El Salvador?s CCT programme, Red Solidaria, (Solidarity Network). The purpose is to...
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Este Documento de Trabajo ofrece un panorama institucional y un análisis comparativo de las experiencias en Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas (TMC) de El Salvador (Red Solidaria) y Paraguay (Tekoporã). Enfocamos en las contradicciones y tensiones potenciales que emergen de los dos...
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Les programmes de transferts monétaires conditionnels (TMC) ont été mis en place au cours des dix dernières années dans plus d?une douzaine de pays d?Amérique latine et des Caraïbes. Pendant que l?utilisation des modèles d?origine se répand, de nouveaux programmes devaient faire face à...
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