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The state of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union (EU) in the context of the EU framework governing business and human rights (B&HR) is worthy of consideration. This chapter follows the top-down approach: it explores the relevant EU legal and policy...
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At first sight the potential discrepancy between competitive behavior of market participants, trade rules and the basic notion of sustainable development may seem to be of a negligible importance. However, during the interactions of market processes with sustainability goals through various...
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Italian Abstract: Le posizioni di avversione contro la globalizzazione, a partire dagli scontri di Seattle del 1999 nati durante le manifestazioni di protesta contro la conferenza ministeriale dell'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (OMC) fino ad arrivare al movimento “Occupy Wall...
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Spanish Abstract: China se unió a la comunidad internacional de Naciones Unidas (ONU) poco después del establecimiento de la organización en 1945. Aunque China era tratada hasta cierto punto como un paria internacional durante los tiempos turbulentos que siguieron a la guerra civil ganada por...
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Energy-related investments have been on a track of constant development since the global expansion of energy utilization and the rapid increase of energy demand both regarding industrial use and consumer consumption. Fundamental trends in the European Union and the world at large provide an...
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If we imagine the proverb “if the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain” as an equation with two variables, information and communication technologies (“ICT”) and public administration, it will not matter which place each one of them will take in the...
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The motivating idea for this project is to explore the range of Non-Trade Concerns (NTCs) that may conflict with international economic rules with a specific focus on how China can play a decisive role in these matters. If, on the one hand, this volume looks at the tensions between trade and...
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We live in peculiar times: on the one hand, many people — mainly in Western countries — enjoy an unprecedentedly high standard of living from a historical perspective. On the other hand, a considerable part of the population has a feeling that something went wrong, which is underscored by...
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Italian Abstract: La crescente importanza attribuita al tema del cambiamento climatico e del riscaldamento globale ha fatto sì che l’attenzione dell’intero pianeta si concentrasse sul controverso tema dell’energia, prima circoscritto ad un ruolo di secondo piano. Gli organismi e i gruppi...
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National energy security, parallel with the ultimate goal of emissions reductions, is of utmost priority for the Chinese government. In order to comply with the requirements set by the Kyoto Protocol, the Chinese government announced, on 25 November 2009, that 2020’s CO2 emissions would be...
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