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If we imagine the proverb “if the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain” as an equation with two variables, information and communication technologies (“ICT”) and public administration, it will not matter which place each one of them will take in the...
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This book, through various differently oriented chapters, tries to give an insight on how the European Union and its multilevel model of governance must try to strike a balance between diverging interests and priorities. In particular, the EU and the European states (including the CoE's Members)...
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Spanish Abstract: China se unió a la comunidad internacional de Naciones Unidas (ONU) poco después del establecimiento de la organización en 1945. Aunque China era tratada hasta cierto punto como un paria internacional durante los tiempos turbulentos que siguieron a la guerra civil ganada por...
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Considering the fact that its existence is abundant while maintaining the ability to generate freshwater while burning, methane hydrates have been classified as sources of sustainable energy. China currently maintains an international role in developing technology meant to explore offshore...
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Globalization is a phenomenon of inherent complexity. As such, it is defined by a number of positive, as well as negative, traits. The seemingly inextricable links between countries - created by international trade and membership in a variety of international organizations - are seen as a...
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In this book, Professor Julien Chaisse, a renowned scholar in the field of international economic law and China-expert, focuses on one of the countries which are proactively (re)shaping our understanding of the international order: the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China). This edited...
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The state of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Union (EU) in the context of the EU framework governing business and human rights (B&HR) is worthy of consideration. This chapter follows the top-down approach: it explores the relevant EU legal and policy...
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Italian Abstract: Le posizioni di avversione contro la globalizzazione, a partire dagli scontri di Seattle del 1999 nati durante le manifestazioni di protesta contro la conferenza ministeriale dell'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (OMC) fino ad arrivare al movimento “Occupy Wall...
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Italian Abstract: La significativa crescita registrata nella produzione di idrocarburi estratti dalle formazioni di scisto (di seguito “shale gas” o “gas non convenzionale”) costituisce uno degli sviluppi più rilevanti nel settore energetico mondiale, resa possibile dall’abbattimento...
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In recent years, China has launched ambitious measures to tackle water pollution. As political commitment and public investment soared, Chinese environmental scientists and practitioners have engaged in a substantial debate on the reorganization of the country's water management system. Domestic...
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