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According to the German federal government's climate protection targets, there will be a continuous reduction of lignite-based electricity well before 2030. Simulations show that the currently authorized lignite mines in eastern Germany would not be fully depleted if the climate protection...
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Den Klimaschutzzielen der Bundesregierung zufolge muss dieBraunkohleverstromung in Deutschland bereits deutlich vor demJahr 2030 kontinuierlich abnehmen. Simulationen zeigen, dass diebereits genehmigten Tagebaufelder in den ostdeutschen Revierenbei einer Einhaltung der Klimaschutzziele bis 2030...
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The political discussion to reduce the carbon footprint of Germany’s electricity sector, focusing on coal, is intensifying. In this paper, we develop scenarios for phasing out lignite and hard coal power plants in Germany prior to the end of their technical lifespan (“coal-exit”). Our...
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The main aim of models has never been to provide numbers, but insights. Still, challenges prevail for modelers to use the best configuration of their models to provide helpful insights. In the case of energy system modelling, this becomes even more complicated due to increasing complexity of the...
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To achieve climate targets, efforts need to be made in Europe to improve energy efficiency and to expand renewable energies. Conditions for investing in renewable energies in Europe must be improved, subsidies for fossil and nuclear energy reduced. A 100 percent renewable energy system is...
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Um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, sollte in Europa neben Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz vor allem der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien vorangetrieben werden. Europäische Rahmenbedingungen für Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien müssen verbessert, Subventionen für fossile und...
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