Showing 1 - 7 of 7
In the research of the business IS development the business rules approach has achieved a lot of attention and already has a steady niche with a strong motivation behind. The usefulness of the approach and its advantages over the traditional IS development approaches call for the technology...
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In the research of the business IS development the business rules approach has achieved a lot of attention and already has a steady niche with a strong motivation behind. The usefulness of the approach and its advantages over the traditional IS development approaches call for the technology...
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In Lithuania, the real estate market has been growing fast in recent years. Such a speedy rise in the country‘s real estate market is being affected by several main factors: residents see the broad lending possibilities; the improving economic situation gives people greater hopes and...
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Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos mokymo procese naudojamos įmonių ekonominių veiksnių imitacinio modeliavimo priemonės. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – išanalizavus verslo įmonių veiklos pagrindinius ekonominius veiksnius, sukurti edukacinį ekonominių procesų modelį, parengti...
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Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje nekilnojamojo turto rinka sparčiai auga. Toks spartus šalies nekilnojamojo turto rinkos augimas yra įtakojamas keleto pagrindinių veiksnių: gyventojams atsivėrė plačios skolinimosi galimybės, gerėjanti ekonominė situacija suteikia žmonėms didesnių...
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This final master‘s work analyses e-servecies development trends and strategies,describes the fundamentas of various technologies used for the systeminteroperation/integration. Also are analyzed dynamics of developmnet of the European Uniongovernment agencies projects fro the eGep...
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Subject of the scientific research. ICT caused business changes management. Aim of the research – to construct change, caused by ICT development, management model of organization. Tasks of the research: 1) to analyze relations in the development processes between ICT and business, to go deep...
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