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At the period-end of Q1 2020, the federal budget ran a slight surplus, however it was a temporary result because oil and gas revenues go into the budget in a timely manner and they record a downturn against Q1 2019. Non-oil and gas revenues although went up but that was due to the fact that they...
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In 2018, the federal budget revenues moved up by 2.4 p.p. of GDP against 2017 not least because of the oil and gas revenues which grew by 2.2 p.p. of GDP and the expenditures contracted by 1.7 p.p. of GDP compared to the previous year. The federal budget limitation due to the budgetary rules has...
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The federal budget revenues by H1 2019-end moved up by 0.4 p.p. of GDP against the same period of the previous year, first of all, due to increased VAT rate from 18 to 20%. Simultaneously, expenditures have contracted by 0.9 p.p. of GDP. As a result, the federal budget was executed with surplus...
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In Q1 2018, the federal budget revenues exceeded the revenues seen during the same period of 2017. Oil and gas revenues rose while oil and gas income fell. Budget expenditure decreased against January-March 2017 which ensured the federal budget surplus. By the end of Q1 2018, dynamic of the...
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We analyze dynamic of budget receipts, federal budget expenditures and assets in the National Wealth Fund for January-April 2020. Over the period, the federal budget was executed with a surplus, however one should remember that oil and gas revenues reflect the changes on the market the same...
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Revenue receipts to the federal budget are above planned volumes both for the oil and gas and the non-oil and gas components. According to results for three quarters of 2021, federal budget revenues amounted to Rb 17.9 trillion, which is equivalent of 95.5% of the projected annual volume and...
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The federal budget for 9 months of 2022 was executed with a surplus of Rb 54.7 bn. The dynamics of revenues is slowing down, with the growth of rental revenues by 1.4 p.p. against the same period of the previous year and does not compensate for the fall of non-oil and gas revenues by 2.0 p.p. of...
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The key parameters of the federal budget showed faster growth of revenues over expenditures at the end of Q1 2017 compared with Q1 2016. Thus revenues increased by 2.7 p.p. of GDP as budget expenditures gained 0.8 p.p. of GDP. As a result, the budget deficit was curtailed to 1.4% of GDP and the...
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In Q1 2019, the federal budget revenues moved up by 0.3 p.p. of GDP against the same period of 2018 due to the rise of oil and gas revenues. Budget surplus constituted 2.2% of GDP. Overall, the dynamic of the main parameters of the federal budget is positive, despite the debt growth, risks of...
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In 2016, certain amendments were made to RF legislation, whereby the specific features of the budgeting process at the federal level were determined. In particular, the alterations introduced by Federal Law No 71-FZ dated May 30, 2016 'On Suspending Paragraph Four of Item 2 of Article 179 of the...
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