Showing 1 - 10 of 22
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Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont apparues depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années et constituent un champ de recherche à part entière sur différentes dimensions (stratégie, performance, usages, organisation de la firme principalement). Dans son numéro de...
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La diffusion des TIC chez les PE demeure faible (Eurostat 2010). L’un des enjeux est donc de savoir si les TIC peuvent être utilisées efficacement par ces petites structures et comment l’utilisation de ces technologies peut contribuer à améliorer l’avantage concurrentiel des PE qui,...
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In its February 2008 issue, the Harvard Business Review (HBR) classified “collaborative” technologies (social networking sites, virtual worlds, multi-player games, the peer‐to‐peer economy) as one of the 20 most important developments in the business world. A study from The McKinsey...
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(VF)Les systèmes de pilotage doivent assurer le déploiement de la stratégie dans l’ensemble de l’organisation dont le périmètre peut varier au gré des actions stratégiques. Ces systèmes reposent de plus en plus sur des outils de gestion mais peu répondent vraiment aux spécificités...
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Steering systems must ensure the deployment of the strategy throughout the organization whose perimeters can vary according to strategic actions. These systems rely increasingly on management tools, but few truly meet the specific needs of new configurations as the extended organzation nor do...
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The diffusion of ICT in small businesses remains low (only 12% of small businesses in France have a website for performing online transactions, Eurostat 2010). One issue is whether ICT can be used effectively by these small structures and how the use of technology can improve the competitive...
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In most companies managers have to cope with an ever increasing mass of information to deal with, along with coordination problems that are also more and more complex due to the multiplicity of time units and places. Among the tools managers have to hand is e-mailing, which is the most commonly...
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This conceptual paper proposes to identify and to characterize a new model to describe and pilot complexity across organizations, through a compared study on three objects : the town, the IS and the firm. After a summary of the principles of the functionalist model, we underline how the...
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Depuis plusieurs années, les entreprises doivent faire face à une forte complexification de leur environnement en raison d’une intensité concurrentielle exacerbée et d’une masse croissante d’informations à traiter. L’une de leurs réponses se matérialise dans l’utilisation des...
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