Showing 1 - 10 of 136
Pork production has seen a period of volatility that it has not seen before. Duringthis period, there has been a rise in a number of issues. Pork producers must deal withnarrowing margins, environmental issues, animal welfare issues, integration, andslaughter capacity concerns. These issues have...
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Einer der grundlegendsten Ansätze der modernen Industrieökonomik, dasCournot-Modell, geht von Unternehmen aus, die im Wettbewerb Mengen festlegen. Der Preis wirdanschließend von einem Auktionator bestimmt. Im Allgemeinen legen Unternehmen jedoch Preiseund nicht Mengen fest. Das Cournot-Modell...
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The bidder who wins at an auction may end up paying more for an asset than it is actually worth. This, stated very simply, is the so-called winner's curse. Consider the simplest possible case where the asset has the same actual value to all bidders, but bidders do not know for certain what that...
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Im Frühjahr 2010 hat die Eurokrise mit dem drohenden Staatsbankrott von Griechenland und Irland einen Höhepunkt erreicht. Durch hohe Milliardenkredite an diese zwei Mitgliedsländer hat die Europäische Union einen Rettungsschirm (750 Mrd. Euro) aufgespannt, unter anderem deshalb, weil...
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The paper provides a methodology which is suitable for the analysis of the socialcost of disease and the benefits and cost of health intervention by integrating public healthanalysis and economics. The approach developed in the paper is applied to food-bornediarrhea in Rwanda. The results...
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PAGE09 is an updated version of the PAGE2002 integrated assessment model (Hope, 2011a). Thedefault PAGE09 model gives a mean estimate of the social cost of CO2 (SCCO2) of $106 per tonne ofCO2, compared to $81 from the PAGE2002 model used in the Stern review (Stern, 2007). The mainreasons for the...
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A new version of the PAGE integrated assessment model, PAGE09, is introduced. The mostimportant scientific, impact, emission and adaptation inputs in the latest default version of themodel, PAGE09 v1.7 are described. The scientific and economic impact results are presented for abusiness as usual...
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What would be the effect of CO2 pricing on global oil supply and demand? This paper introduces a model describing the interaction between conventional and non-conventional oil supply in a Hotelling framework and under CO2 constraints. The model assumes that non-conventional crude oil enters the...
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This paper deals with marginal cost of transport.
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