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In den 90er Jahren haben Banken aller Industrieländer rekordhohe Wertberichtigungen im Kreditgeschäft durchführen müssen, die teilweise nur mit massiver staatlicher Intervention aufgefangen werden konnten. Verantwortlich für diese Kreditverluste sind primär drei Entwicklungen, die das...
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failedbank without necessarily finding a sound receiving bank beforehand. LTCB was nationalized under the FinancialReconstruction … Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC)in order to maintain the franchise value of the bank and toclean up its balance sheet …. Throughout the temporarynationalization, until a sound receiving financial institutionis found, the bank continues to provide its …
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Die Autoren geben eine grundlegende Einführung in das Konzept der Virtuellen Unternehmen und heben sechs Merkmale hervor. Sie diskutieren erfolgsfördernde und -hemmende Faktoren Virtueller Unternehmen und skizzieren charakteristische Lebensphasen. Schließlich beschreiben sie die Informations-...
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This paper discusses the formation of organizational knowledge of boundedly rational Economic agents and studies the necessity of hierarchical coordination of economic agents. We consider a firm that consists of a management and N subordinated shops....
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We find that the decision by a potential acquirer to complete or cancel an announced acquisitionproposal is sensitive to new information generated after the announcement of the acquisition.Both the acquirer and target’s cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) over different windows afterthe...
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Post-M&A organisational cultural change is a traumatic experience for organisational members. It generates resistance and contributes to M&A failure. Nevertheless, the literature on managing post-M&A cultural change is scarce and largely focused on overcoming the debilitating impact of...
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The literature on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has accumulated a wide body of knowledge on the role of culture in post-M&A integration. Available research uses varied perspectives on culture and cultural change processes. Some define culture as a force shaping human action, others examine...
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In this work we discuss the impact of the new ICT techno-economic paradigm upon thevertical and horizontal boundaries of the firm and ask whether the change in the sources ofcompetitive advantage has resulted in changes in the size distribution of firms and also in thedegree of concentration of...
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This paper investigates empirically the strategic alignment between innovation andproduction strategies in a sample of service firms in Spain. It employs the integratedarchetypes approach to analyse a dataset of unique, manually collected, firm responses....
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Die Organisationsstrukturen der deutschen Unternehmen haben sich in den letzten2 Jahren deutlich in Richtung einer verstärkten Kunden- und Teamorientierungweiterentwickelt. Als Grundlage hierfür diente zumeist das Managementkonzept„Business Process Reengineering“ (BPR), das bei...
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