Showing 21 - 30 of 82
This paper examines households’ preferences for community recycling programs,which have both public and private good dimensions. The data come from a surveyconducted in Seattle, WA that elicited stated preferences for different recyclingsystems (or program changes) relative to status quo with...
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„In der Wissenschaft ist es sehr selten, dass es zu einer bestimmten Frage einenso eindeutigen Konsens gibt." (Gore 2006: 260).Die Wissenschaftlerin Heike Walk (Walk 2008) hat die Partizipations- undGovernancedebatte auf die Klimapolitik bezogen. Die Autorin belegt die...
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The assessment of the role for the EU and the member states in environmental andagricultural policy in this paper is based on the principle of subsidiarity. Applied to thequestion of centralisation versus decentralisation of policy design and implementation, thesubsidiarity principle states that...
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We analyze the effects of free trade on environmental policies in a strategic setting withtransboundary pollution …
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Bei unvoreingenommener Betrachtung weist Kuba trotz aller Schwierigkeiten eineerstaunliche und interessante Vielfalt politischer und gesellschaftlicher Steuerungs- undRegulierungsversuche im Bereich von Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit auf, die bislanghinter den in westlichen Staaten üblichen...
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We investigate whether Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator recommendations regarding improvements in environmental quality differ from citizen preferences. The scope and significance of the possible difference are assessed by conducting identical choice experiments on a...
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Environmental policy often has to be devised under informational constraints,like uncertainty and asymmetric information. We consider an environmentalpolicy that aims at reducing the welfare losses caused by asymmetricinformation while being sufficiently simple for implementation. Inthis policy,...
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politicus und welche der Wirtschaftsakteur? Und welche Konsequenzen ergeben sichdaraus für die Umweltpolitik?.... …
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In this paper, we discuss the relationship between responsibility and joint production.Responsibility mirrors our ability to act freely. We can act freely only if we can assumeresponsibility for our actions and their consequences; the limits of our responsibility aretherefore also the limits of...
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In diesem Aufsatz untersuchen wir die Beziehung von Verantwortung und Kuppelproduktion.Unsere Verantwortung reflektiert unsere Fähigkeit, frei zu handeln. Wir können nur freihandeln, insofern wir für unsere Handlungen und ihre Folgen Verantwortung übernehmen; dieGrenzen unserer Verantwortung...
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