Showing 1 - 10 of 131
We apply the property rights theory of Grossman-Hart-Moore in the musicindustry and study the optimal allocation of copyright between the artistswho create music and the labels who promote and distribute it. Digital tech-nology opens up a role for new intermediaries. We …nd that entry of...
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of knowledge management on theinnovation success of firms in Germany. Using a matching procedure on data from theGerman Innovation Survey of 2003 (“Mannheim Innovation Panel”), we pair firmsapplying knowledge management with twin firms with...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt, dass die Festlegung der Fertigungstiefein der Gegenstromplanung von Strategien kein stringentes Instrumentder Unternehmensführung ist. Die Top-Down und Bottom-Up Analyseüber die hierarchischen Ebenen der Unternehmens-, Wettbewerbs- undFunktionalstrategie liefert...
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This paper investigates the determinants of vertical integration. We first derive a number of predictions regarding the relationship between technology intensity and vertical integration from a simple model with nancial imperfections andincomplete contracts. Then, we investigate these...
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Recent research has led to the empirical regularity that rm growth rate distributionsare heavy tailed. This nding implies that a few rms experience spectaculargrowth rates and decline, but that most rms have marginal growth rates. The literatureon high growth rms shows that high growth rms are...
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The evaluation of consulting services is a widely, but controversially discussed issue. While there is obviously an increasing need for appropriate evaluation, there are critics questioning the applicability of evaluation methods as well as the motivation to assess. We provide a framework that...
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Teamwork and cooperation between workers can be of substantial value to a firm, yet thelevel of worker cooperation often varies between individual firms. We show that thesedifferences can be the result of labor market competition if workers have heterogeneouspreferences and preferences are...
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We provide a theoretical justification for bi-sourcing, which refers to thesituation where a final goods producer buys an input from an outside supplier and alsoproduces it in-house. Bi-sourcing occurs if the marginal cost of producing the input inhouseis higher than the marginal cost of outside...
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The relationship between executive pay and corporate financial performance con-tinues to attract wide academic, media and policy attention. The very high salariesenjoyed by senior executives in corporations primarily in the North American coun-tries are often contrasted with the relatively low...
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Der folgende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie die Verteilung von Entscheidungsund Handlungsrechten in Unternehmen im Rahmen der Corporate Governance ausgestaltet werden kann. Im Zentrum der Überlegungen steht die Frage, welcher der am Unternehmen beteiligten Interessengruppen diese Rechte...
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