Showing 1 - 10 of 31
This paper provides a critical overview and a detailed research agenda for scholarsinterested in regional studies with a special focus on old and new European Union memberstates. The focus is on the microeconomic foundations of structural change and its spatiallyasymmetric impact on labour...
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A new model of economic growth introduces the knowledge filter between new generic knowledge and economically-useful knowledge. It identifies both the formation of new ventures and the absorptive capacity of incumbent firms as the mechanisms that penetrate the knowledge filter. Recent empirical...
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A new model of economic growth introduces the knowledge filter between new knowledge and economically useful knowledge. It identifies both new ventures and incumbent firms as the mechanisms that penetrate the knowledge filter. Recent empirical work has shown that new firms are more proficient at...
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Motivated by differences in New-firm survival across regions, this paper explores the impact of regional human capital on New-firm survival rates. New-firm survival is interpreted through formation rates of surviving versus closed firms in the sevice sector...
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entrepreneurship literature is that opportunities are exogenous, the most prevalent theory of innovation in the economics literature …
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Although human capital externalities are a key variable in theories of economic growth, there has been little investigation of the mechanism by which these externalities are realized. We examine the relationship between the local levels of human capital and firm formation rates and find that...
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This research report from the Milken Institute ranks U.S. metropolitan areas that are recording the top economic performance and creating the most jobs in the nation. The index is an outcomes-based measure as opposed to one that incorporates explicit measures of business costs, cost-of-living...
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In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden aus der Transaktionskostentheorie, der "Resource-basedTheory" und der "Power Theory …In this paper determinants of IS outsourcing are deduced from transaction cost theory, resource-based theory and power … theory. They are summarized in a theoretical framework which istested using a sample of 34 small and medium sized firms. …
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Der Beitrag diskutiert Kundenerfahrung als Bezugsrahmen, der die beiden Konstrukte Kundenerlebnisund Kundenvertrautheit umfasst. Kundenerfahrung wird konzeptionalisiert alsKundenerlebnis im Sinne eines Maßstabs für die Qualität der Kundenerfahrung (positiv/negativ). Die Einflussstärke der...
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Im Zentrum vieler empirischer Studien steht die Erforschung latenter Variablen, welchedurch ein Netzwerk von Hypothesen miteinander in Verbindung gebracht werden. LatenteVariablen entziehen sich einer direkten Beobachtung und müssen mithilfe einer Operationalisierungerst messbar gemacht...
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