Showing 1 - 10 of 134
Man hat überschlägig geschätzt, dass heute zusammen etwa so viele Wissenschaftler tätig sind wie in der ganzen …
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Durch Gesetz vom 18. Januar 2002 ist § 42 des Arbeit -nehmererfindungsgesetzes (ArbEG) novelliert worden.Mit der Änderung wurde das bis dahin geltende sogenannte Hochschullehrerprivileg abgeschafft. Pro -fessoren, Dozenten und wissenschaftliche Angestelltean Hochschulen (hierunter werden...
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Frühwarn- bzw. Frühaufklärungs- oder Prognosesysteme, zielen speziell darauf ab, Entwicklungen oder Ereignisse in der Zukunft früh wie möglich zu erkennen um damit adäquate Reaktionsmaßnahmen einleiten zu können.(...)
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In this paper we investigate the potential of the analysis of noisy non-stationary time series by quantizing it into streams of discrete symbols and applying finite-memory symbolic predictors. The main argument is that careful quantization can reduce the noise in the time series to make model...
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Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier beschäftigt sich mit der Kapitalanlageperformance der deutschen Lebensversicherer unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der realisierten Risikoposition.
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We want to assess the relationship between the equity and the debt cost of capital. Using a verysimple dividend discount model we compute the implied discount rate and we compare it with thecorresponding premium on the corporate credit default swap using a cointegration approach. Wedemonstrated...
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This paper studies asset allocation decisions in the presence of regime switching in asset returns. Wefind evidence that four separate regimes - characterized as crash, slow growth, bull and recovery states- are required to capture the joint distribution of stock and bond returns. Optimal asset...
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We systematically examine the comparative predictive performance of a number of alternativelinear and non-linear models for stock and bond returns in the G7 countries. Besides Markovswitching, threshold autoregressive (TAR), and smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) regimeswitching...
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I apply standard time series models to US housing prices. Forecasts made in 2005 or earlier would have produced stress scenarios that are worse than the subsequent actual change in housing prices. The probability of these scenarios is in the range that banks claim to consider in their risk...
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Standard models of international risk sharing with complete asset markets predict a positive association between relative consumption growth and real exchange-rate depreciations across countries. The striking lack of evidence for this link - the consumption/real-exchange-rate anomaly or...
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