Showing 1 - 10 of 471
The focus of this thesis is discretionary work effort, that is, work effort that is voluntary, is above and beyond what is minimally required or normally expected to avoid reprimand or dismissal, and is organisationally functional. Discretionary work effort is an important construct because it...
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Persönlichkeit auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit. Das dritte Kapitel beschätigt sich mit Misklassifikation in amtlichen Daten. Am Beispiel …
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Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte den Zusammenhang zwischen Kompetenz, Persönlichkeit und Berufserfolg. Für die Erfassung der beruflichen Kompetenz wurde ein neu entwickeltes Verfahren, das Inventar zur Erfassung beruflicher Kompetenz "I-BeKo" mit fünf basalen Kompetenzkategorien zur...
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klar auf einen Einfluss des relativen Einkommens auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit hin, der den Effekt des absoluten Einkommens …
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Ekonominis sunkmetis, neišvengiamai palietęs visas įmones, verčia darbdavius atleisti dalį darbuotojų, mažinti esamiems atlyginimus ir visas pajėgas nukreipti į įmonės pelningumo išlaikymą. Tačiau svarbu nepamiršti, jog patenkinti savo darbu darbuotojai yra pagrindinė įmonės...
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Incentives either tangible or intangible are the most important or convenient resources that became the basis of workers satisfaction with their jobs. The study attempts to explore the relationship between tangible or intangible incentives and job satisfaction among workers. To achieve the...
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The entry of women into the professional world has, without a doubt, changed the dynamics of the workplace over the past few decades. That observation still holds true today and becomes more prevalent with the changing face of the labor market in terms of diversity. However, in spite of that...
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Norint pagerinti turizmo industrijos žmogiškuosius išteklius, būtina didinti darbuotojų lojalumą, motyvaciją, įsipareigojimą ir tuo pačiu pasitenkinimą darbu, nes vis labiau pripažįstama, kad entuziastingi ir atsidavę darbuotojai prisideda ne tik prie organizacijos produktyvumo...
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The objective of this study is to investigate whether teams are more engaged and productive when led by an optimistic manager. Furthermore, we hypothesize that optimistic managers embody positive leadership—employing a strengths-based approach, maintaining a positive perspective, and...
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University of Minnesota Ph.D dissertation. December 2011. Major: Work and Human Resource Education. Advisor: Kenneth R. Bartlett. 1 computer file (PDF); xiii, 166, appendices A-F.
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