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Als Folge des Health Check der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik sowie des europäischen Konjunkturprogramms wurden die Mittel des Europäischen Landwirtschaftsfonds zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums (ELER) aufgestockt, um damit geeignete Maßnahmen zur Reaktion auf die 'neuen Herausforderungen'...
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Organic farming practices have environmental benefits compared to conventional ones. Their adoption is the result of a complex interaction of intrinsic attitudes of farmers, their profit expectations and farm policy incentives. We use an agricultural sector model and develop an extended version...
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The paper discusses the decisions on the CAP in the context of the Berlin summit. In a rather broad perspective the agricultural sectoral and related objectives are analyzed for their consistency and compatability with higher ranking societal objectives. The policies' allocational and...
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Die Politik zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume als 2. Säule der Agrarpolitik kann als Hybrid aus Agrar-, Umwelt- und Regionalpolitik charakterisiert werden. Die ausgeprägten vertikalen (EU-Bund-Bundesländer) und horizontalen Verflechtungen und das inhaltlich breite Maßnahmenspektrum der...
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Die Umsetzung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) 2023 bis 2027 erfolgt im Rahmen nationaler Strategiepläne. Dieses Working Paper untersucht die zur Genehmigung eingereichten Strategiepläne hinsichtlich ihrer finanziellen Schwerpunkte, um Gemeinsamkeiten, Unterschiede und übergreifende Muster...
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The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027 is implemented through national strategic plans. This paper examines the strategic plans submitted for approval, analysing their financial priorities to identify commonalities, differences and overarching patterns of national CAP implementation. It...
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After an extended process of reform the European Union has introduced direct payments to farmers which are decoupled from production decisions as a central element of its Common Agricultural Policy. They are also referred to as Single Farm Payments. In this paper we analyze the production and...
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Direct payments are the most important expenditure of the Common Agricultural Policy. They are mostly in the form of decoupled direct payments which are intended to be allocatively neutral. Increasing volumes of such transfers imply that distributive aspects of CAP expenditures become more...
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Fears about food security in the EU have become a driving force in the debate about the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). But the facts do not bear out these fears. This paper brings together the available evidence against EU food security concerns: the size of EU production, the even...
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CAP reform is the major bone of contention in the negotiations of the next long-term EU budget beyond 2013. This paper reviews the political landscape so as to make it more legible to the public. First, it summarizes the arguments concerning key reform issues: What should be the size of the CAP...
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