Showing 1 - 10 of 13
Parents preferring sons tend to go on to have more children until one or more boys are born, and to concentrate investment in boys for a given sibsize. Therefore, having a brother may affect child outcomes in two ways: indirectly, by decreasing sibsize, and directly, where sibsize remains...
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Der vorliegende AMS report basiert auf einer Studie, die im Auftrag der Frauenabteilung des Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich (AMS) in einer Kooperation von den sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituten L&R Sozialforschung und öibf durchgeführt wurde. Ein wesentlicher Ausgangspunkt ist die seit Jahren...
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This paper tests three hypotheses concerning intra-household resource allocation in rural China. First, whether increasing the women's bargaining power alters household expenditure patterns. Second, whether households allocate fewer resources to daughters than to sons. Third, whether increasing...
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This paper tests whether family size has a causal effect on girls' education in Mexico. It exploits son preference as the main source of random variation in the propensity to have more children, and estimates causal effects using instrumental variables. Overall, it finds no evidence of family...
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Aus der Einleitung zu diesem AMS report: "(…) Absicht und Ziel war es, die Thematik des frühen Bildungsabbruchs auf mehreren Ebenen unter dem Blickwinkel der Arbeitsmarktpolitik zu erfassen, zu beschreiben und auch neue Möglichkeiten für Interventionen zu erarbeiten, die geeignet sind,...
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Fleiri konur en karlar brautskrást með háskólapróf á ári hverju hér á landi en karlar eru líklegri til þess að ljúka starfsnámi. Lætur nærri að tvær konur ljúki háskólanámi fyrir hvern einn karlmann. Þar að auki ljúka fleiri konur stúdentsprófi á ári hverju en karlar...
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Mädchen verfolgen tendenziell nur dann eine MINT-Karriere, wenn ihre digitalen Kompetenzen überdurchschnittlich stark ausgeprägt sind. - Eine aktuelle RWI-Studie zeigt: Mädchen und Jungen haben in der neunten Klasse ähnlich hohe digitale Kompetenzen. Allerdings verfolgen Mädchen - anders...
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This paper develops a new methodology to analyze how parents in Rajasthan, India make choices about their daughters' schooling and marriage. We specify a dynamic discrete choice model in which parents face uncertainty about the quality of their daughter's future marriage offers. Parents' choices...
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Striking gender gaps persist in fundamental aspects of human welfare. In India, the setting of this paper, these gaps are particularly large. Interventions often target adolescent girls with the aim of empowering them to make choices that go against the status quo - to remain in school longer or...
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In this paper we explore a serious eating disorder, bulimia nervosa (BN), which afflicts a surprising number of girls in the US. We challenge the long-held belief that BN primarily affects high income White teenagers, using a unique data set on adolescent females evaluated regarding their...
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