Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Der durch die Solidarpaktgesetzgebung des Jahres 1993 neugeordnete Länderfinanzausgleich ist seit den Verfassungsklagen von Bayern und Baden- Württemberg Gegenstand öffentlicher Auseinandersetzungen geworden. Dabei stehen mögliche negative Anreizwirkungen des Finanzausgleichs im Mittelpunkt....
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Das Verfassungsrecht räumt dem Gesetzgeber für die einzelgesetzliche Umsetzung der Regelungen des Art. 107 Abs. 1 S. 4 GG und Art. 107 Abs. 2 S. 1 GG weite Definitions- und Gestaltungsspielräume ein, die erheblich weiter sind, als dies in der rechts- und finanzwissenschaftlichen Literatur...
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In this paper we review the linkages between the quality of public finances, that is, the level and composition of public expenditure and its financing via revenue and deficits, and economic growth. We review the various channels through which public finances affect growth and its underlying...
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In this natural field experiment with almost 2.000 customers of an online-broker we test what happens when investors receive feedback on their investment success in a monthly securities account report. We test four designs using different graphical displays and text. All report designs show...
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In a field study with more than 1.500 customers of an online-broker we test what happens when investors receive repeated feedback on their investment success in a monthly securities account report. The reports show investors' last year's returns, costs, their current level of risk and their...
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Shortcomings revealed by experimental and theoretical researchers such as Allais (1953), Rabin (2000) and Rabin and Thaler (2001) that put the classical expected utility paradigm von Neumann and Morgenstern (1947) into question, led to the proposition of alternative and generalized utility func-...
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Psychology considers self-control failure, i.e., the inability to resist certain behaviors and impulses when seeking to achieve future goals as a major human pathology. The finance literature models and applies self-control failure to explain time-inconsistent behavior such as under-saving and...
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We use minutes from 17,000 financial advisory sessions and corresponding client portfolio data to study how client involvement affects advisor recommendations and portfolio outcomes. We find that advisors confronted with acquiescent clients stick to standards and recommend expensive but well...
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Das Erkenntnisinteresse dieser Arbeit gilt der Notwendigkeit und Geeignetheit der Vergabe von Finanzzuweisungen zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Wohlfahrtseffekte durch ein europäisches Finanzausgleichsystem ausgelöst werden. Da der...
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We relate time-varying aggregate ambiguity (V-VSTOXX) to individual investor trading. We use the trading records of more than 100,000 individual investors from a large German online brokerage from March 2010 to December 2015. We find that an increase in ambiguity is associated with increased...
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