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We offer a game-theoretic proof of Hamilton's rule for the spread of altruism. For a simple case of siblings, we show …
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Many previous experiments document that behavior in multi-person settings responds to the name of the game and the labeling of strategies. Usually these studies cannot tell whether frames affect preferences or beliefs. In this Dictator game study, we investigate whether social framing effects...
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Recent bargaining experiments demonstrated an impact of anonymity and incomplete information on subjects' behavior. This has rekindled the question whether fair behavior is inspired by regard for others or is explained by external forces. To test for the importance of external pressure we...
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A common feature of the literature on the evolution of preferences is that evolution favors nonmaterialistic preferences only if preference types are observable at least to some degree. We argue that this result is due to the assumption that in each state of the evolutionary dynamics some...
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We study the joint role of altruism and impatience, and the impact of evolution in the formation of long-term time … relate to altruism and to impatience and we reason that long-lived dynasties will be characterized by a higher degree of … altruism and a lower degree of impatience than short-lived dynasties. …
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We examine two types of altruism and their implications for voluntary giving. Philanthropists are altruists who wish to …
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that ultimate theories of kin selection, reciprocal altruism, costly signalling and indirect reciprocity do not provide …
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A substantial body of research suggests that economists are less generous than other professionals and that economics students are less generous than other students. We address this question using administrative data on donations to social programs by students at the University of Washington....
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We calculate the equilibrium fraction of cooperators in a population in which payoffs accrue from playing a single-shot prisoner's dilemma game. Individuals who are hardwired as cooperators or defectors are randomly matched into pairs, and cooperators are able to perfectly find out the type of a...
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We investigate a setting in which members of a population, bifurcated into a majority and a minority, transact with randomly matched partners. All members are uniformly altruistic, and each transaction can be carried out cooperatively or through a market mechanism, with cooperative transactions...
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