Showing 1 - 10 of 24
This paper proposes a simple multi-industry trade model with search frictions in the labor market. It will be shown that the reallocation of capital across countries in formof FDI leads to changes in unemployment at the extensive and intensive industry margins. Whether a country benefits from...
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Unions are often stigmatized as being a source of inefficiency due to higher collective bargaining outcomes. This is in stark contrast with the descriptive evidence presented in this paper. Larger firms choose to export and are also more likely to adopt collective bargaining. We rationalize...
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We set up a model of offshoring with heterogeneous producers that captures two empirical regularities on offshoring firms: larger, more productive firms are more likely to make use of the offshoring opportunity; the fraction of firms that engages in offshoring is positive and smaller than one in...
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This paper proposes a simple multi-industry trade model with search frictions in the labor market. Unimpeded access to global financial markets enables capital owners to invest abroad, thereby fostering unemployment at the extensive industry margin. Whether a country benefits from FDI in terms...
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This paper proposes a multi-industry trade model with integrated capital and goods markets. Labor market imperfections in line with Mortensen and Pissarides (1994) give rise to unemployment and a channel for the government to influence markets through institutional changes. Labor market...
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In theoretical trade models with variable markups and collective wage bargaining, export exposure may reduce the exporter wage premium. We test this prediction using linked German employer-employee data from 1996 to 2007. To separate the rent-sharing mechanism from assortative matching, we...
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We set up a model of offshoring with heterogeneous producers that captures two empirical regularities of German offshoring firms. There is selection of larger, more productive firms into offshoring. However, the selection is not sharp, and offshoring and non-offshoring firms coexist over a wide...
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Deutschland ist weiterhin eine der führenden Exportnationen, auch nach der schweren Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise 2008/2009 und dem damit verbundenen globalen Nachfrageeinbruch. Die seit Jahren zunehmende Globalisierung wird allerdings oft mit steigender Lohnspreizung und Arbeitsplatzverlusten...
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We set up a model of offshoring with heterogeneous producers that captures two empirical regularities of German offshoring firms. There is selection of larger, more productive firms into offshoring. However, the selection is not sharp, and offshoring and non-offshoring firms coexist over a wide...
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»Made in China 2025«, die Strategie Chinas sieht neben der Stärkung der Binnenkonjunktur gezielte Investitionen in ausländische Hochtechnologiefirmen vor und umreißt die Ziele für die Entwicklung von zehn inländischen Industriezweigen mit der Absicht, China zu einem Konkurrenten um die...
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