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Using the European Community Household Panel, we investigate gender differences in training participation over the period 1994-1999. We focus on ?lifelong learning?, fixed-term contracts, part-time versus full-time work, public/private sector affiliation, educational attainment, and the...
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In ihrem Beitrag zeigen PD Dr. Clemens Fuest und Dr. Marcel Thum, Universität München, dass sich auch bei imperfekten Arbeitsmärkten mit Tarifverhandlungen Immigrationsgewinne einstellen. Wie bei kompetitiven Arbeitsmärkten gehen die Effizienzgewinne aus der Zuwanderung aber einher mit...
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This paper analyzes the allocation of workers to jobs and the wage distribution in Germany. Our main contribution is to reconcile prominent empirical models of wage dispersion (Abowd et al., 1999; Card et al., 2013) with theoretical sorting models (Shimer and Smith, 2000; Eeckhout and Kircher, 2011;...
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This paper examines the effects of student ability on teacher turnover using data from Stockholm high schools and an admission reform that led to the exogenous reshuffling of pupils. The results indicate that a 10-percentile-point increase in student credentials decreases the probability of a...
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This paper employs large-scale individual-level panel data-set to determine the changes in the probability of migration and attrition of Hungarian doctors between 2003 and 2011. The study uses event history modelling, competing risk models. The results show that first after the EU accession,...
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In this paper we study the evolution of the Italian wage inequality, and of its determinants, using two decades of matched employer-employee data covering the entire population of private-sector workers and firms in the Veneto region. We find that wage inequality has increased since the...
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Nach der Deregulierung der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung im Rahmen der Hartz-Reformen stieg die Zahl der Leiharbeitnehmer sprunghaft an; seit 2004 hat sie sich fast verdoppelt. Reichlich zwei Prozent aller Arbeitnehmer sind inzwischen in der Zeitarbeitsbranche beschäftigt. Das ist zwar kein großer...
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Since the beginning of transition in 1990 from a centrally planned to a market oriented economy, the performance of Poland's economy has been outstanding if we take GDP growth as our measure. In our opinion it is not specific reforms that can explain this performance but the radical ("big bang")...
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This paper takes stock of informal employment in Russia analyzing its incidence and determinants. Using the regular waves and an informality supplement of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) it develops several measures of informal employment and demonstrates that the incidence...
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The US and many European countries are witnessing substantial changes in the wage structure (Autor et al. 2006; Dustmann et al., 2009). Previous research has focused on changing returns to education and experience (Katz and Murphy, 1992), changes in the workforce composition (Lemieux, 2006), or the...
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