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Die Diagramme in dieser Ausgabe des Eurydice-Focus stellen die Finanzströme dar, über die die Ressourcen zu den Schulen gelangen und geben einen Überblick über die Verfahren der Schulfinanzierung in 30 europäischen Staaten. Diese Diagramme enthalten Angaben zum Ursprung der Ressourcen und...
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Bericht des Europäischen Amts für Betrugsbekämpfung für das Jahr 2002.
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Bericht des Europäischen Amtes für Betrugsbekämpfung für das Jahr 2003.
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This report contains a description of environmental policy tools, gives an overview of post-Normal science (bridge between complex systems and environmental policy), ecological economics, the incommensurability principle, the mulitcriteria evaluation and the NAIDE method (fuzzy information).
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experiences from disseminating the research of the UK Global Environmental Change program. After summarising existing European …
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This report is a broad assessment of soil conditions in the pan-European region. It describes the degradation of soil, its relevance in the European and global contexts, and the links between soil and sustainable development. The report is mainly addressed to policy makers and the general public.
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This report presents an inventory of existing scenarios studies relevant for Europe in the context of sustainable development, including European and global models. It also provides a useful review of a selected number of scenarios and pinpoints their strengths and weaknesses.
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The use of environmental taxes in Europe is widening and more tax bases are being used. The EEA reports on developments in the use and impact of environmental taxes and on progress made with ecological tax reform.
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The use of environmental taxes in Europe is widening and more tax bases are being used. The EEA reports on developments in the use and impact of environmental taxes and on progress made with ecological tax reform.
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This first edition of Environmental signals marks the beginning of a new period in reporting on the environment for policy-makers and the public by the European Environment Agency. Previous reports such as Europe's environment: the second assessment and Environment in the European Union at the...
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