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The study investigates associations, first, between a firm's intellectual capital and market value, and second, between a firm's intellectual capital and financial performance in the context of Bangladeshi companies selected from three different industries - banking, textiles, and...
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The differences that exist inside the labor Ecuadorian market, in the different branches of activity, demonstrate the training levels that the workers must have to avoid negative effects. However, in this study, the role played by individual, jobs and residence characteristics are analyzed on...
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With a sample of 700 future public sector primary teachers in India, a Discrete Choice Experiment is used to measure job preferences, particularly regarding location. General skills are also tested. Urban origin teachers and women are more averse to remote locations than rural origin teachers...
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This paper presents a case study on reforming a very dysfunctional labor market with a deep insider-outsider divide, namely the Spanish case. We show how a dual market, with permanent and temporary employees, makes real reform much harder, and leads to purely marginal changes that do not alter...
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; fertility ; first birth ; economic uncertainty ; East and West Germany …
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Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland sinkt auf den tiefsten Stand seit der Wiedervereinigung. Zwischen 2005 und 2012 hat sich die Zahl der Erwerbslosen unter 25 Jahren mehr als halbiert. Im internationalen Vergleich steht Deutschland damit hervorragend da. Nirgendwo in Europa ist die...
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Very little is known about gender wage disparities in Kosovo and, to date, nothing is known about how such wage disparities evolve over time, particularly during the first few years spent by young workers in the labor market. More generally, not much is known about gender wage gaps in early...
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Mit dem Rechtsanspruch auf Kindertagesbetreuung ab dem zweiten Lebensjahr steht ab diesem August grundsätzlich allen Kindern dieser Altersgruppe ein Betreuungsplatz zur Verfügung. Welche Wirkungen hat die Kindertagesbetreuung auf die Erwerbstätigkeit von Müttern und die kindliche...
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Der Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes ist für Arbeitnehmer meist mit erheblichen negativen Folgen verbunden - dies gilt umso mehr, wenn von den Auswirkungen Familien betroffen sind. Dabei ist nicht nur die finanzielle Situation von Bedeutung: Auch die Entwicklung der Kinder kann beeinflusst werden,...
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This paper investigates the gender-selection decisions of immigrants in the United Kingdom, using data from the 1971–2006 General Household Survey. We examine sex-selection in the UK among immigrant families and the gender composition of previous births, conditional on socio-economic...
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