Showing 1 - 10 of 57
Die Europäische Kommission hat in ihrem Grünbuch "Ein Rahmen für die Klima- und Energiepolitik bis 2030" dazu aufgefordert, Einschätzungen für umwelt- und energiepolitische Entwicklungen jenseits des Jahres 2020 zu entwickeln. Allerdings beruht das Grünbuch ebenso wie die "Energy Roadmap...
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Erdgas gewinnt weltweit immer größere Bedeutung bei der Umstrukturierung und Dekarbonisierung von Energiesystemen. Es ist flächendeckend verfügbar und flexibel einsetzbar in Verstromung, Industrie, Verkehr und im Haushaltsbereich. Im Vergleich zu anderen fossilen Energieträgern wird bei...
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In this study, we treat the seasonal variation in monthly time series in the context of the Western-European tourism demand for Tunisia, by presenting different techniques of detection of seasonality and the parametric and non-parametric approaches of seasonal adjustment. Then, we compare the...
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This study investigated the impact of external debt on economic growth of Tanzania for the period of 1990-2010. The study used time series data on external debt and economic performance. It is assumed that external debt helps developing countries to meet developing needs. While debt servicing...
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This paper focuses on the development of both failure prediction models on a paired sample and a random sample of small and medium-sized firms with head offices located in the region of Castilla y León (Spain), in order to prove if the predictive power of the developed models is affected by the...
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This paper aims at providing quantitative analysis of the dynamics of money supply, exchange rate and inflation in Nigeria. The paper utilizes secondary data that were obtained from the International Financial Statistics (IFS), of all variables investigated in the model. The sample covers...
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The paper makes an attempt to provide estimation of foreign tourism demand by 2014, by investigating the case of …
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Die Preise von Eigentumswohnungen und die Wohnungsmieten sind in den vergangenen Jahren in den meisten deutschen Großstädten deutlich gestiegen. Diese Entwicklung wird sich 2013 fortsetzen. Berlin, Hamburg, München und Frankfurt am Main liegen bei den Preis- und Mietsteigerungen weiterhin an...
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The paper examines the determinants of inflation in some West African countries. Using the Johansen technique and time series between 1970q1 and 2010q4 the study determines whether inflation in these African countries is mainly imported (via import prices and exchange rate movements) or...
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In this paper, we forecast SET50 Index (The stock prices of the top 50 listed companies on SET (Stock Exchange of Thailand) by using multiple regression. At the same time, we examine/ consider/describe? the existence of a high correlation (the multicolinearity problem) between the explanatory...
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