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Conceptul de management al relatiilor cu clientii (CRM) a fost intens dezbatut in literatura de management-marketing, facand obiectul unor variate definitii. Dintr-o perspectiva tehnologica, CRM descrie metodologiile si solutiile software folosite de organizatie pentru a utiliza in mod optim...
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We analyze firms' decisions to invest in customer relationship management (CRM) initiatives such as acquisition and retention in a competitive context, a topic largely ignored in past CRM research. We characterize each customer by her intrinsic preference towards each firm, the contribution...
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This paper examines four alternative product strategies available to an innovating firm in markets with network effects: single-product monopoly, technology licensing, product-line extension, and a combination of licensing and product-line extension. We address three questions. First, what...
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In der aktuellen Fußballberichterstattung ist oft von »modernem Fußball« die Rede. Es entsteht der Eindruck, dass eine bestimmte Spielweise den sportlichen Erfolg garantiert und anderen Strategien grundsätzlich überlegen ist. Aus der Perspektive der evolutionären Finanzwirtschaft kann zu...
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The following article points out – emanate from the description of the importance of the craft in Germany – how the …
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Die Position Sachsens als Innovationsstandort wird anhand der Ausstattung des Freistaatsmit Ressourcen für Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Innovationsaktivitäten analysiert. Im innerdeutschen Vergleich rangiert Sachsen bei den Inputfaktoren für den Innovationsprozeß im Mittelfeld, steht aber...
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The basic concepts of the bank marketing are analysed in the article, namely, "bank transaction" and "bank favour". Also, a concept "bank product" is shown out. On the basis of it the complex of measures is offered with the purpose of improvement of of communication policy of bank which is...
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Promotion activities directed at specific target groups can vary according to their type and intensity. In modern banking, where competition is very strong, it is the task of marketing experts to decide which activities to push in a specific situation depending on bank interests and financial...
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В статье проанализированы основные понятия банковского маркетинга, а именно, «банковская операция» и «банковская услуга». Также, выведено понятие «банковский...
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Концепция корпоративной идентичности приобретает все большую популярность в системе финансово-кредитного обслуживания, что объясняется весомой зависимостью...
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