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Die vorliegende Untersuchung betrachtet die Zusammenarbeit mit dem lokalen Produktmanagement bei der internationalen … Produktmanagement liegt. Innovationsabteilungen und Lead Countries spielen eine untergeordnete Rolle. Trotz der in der Literatur … lokalen Produktmanagement als tendenziell positiv beurteilt. Verbesserungspotentiale werden in einer besseren Information des …
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In this paper, an in-depth analysis of power supply and demand on Vancouver Island is used to provide information about the optimal allocation of power across ‘generating’ sources and to investigate the economics of wind generation and penetrability into the Island grid. The methodology...
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We present a convex conic relaxation for a problem of maximising an indefinite quadratic form over a set of convex constraints on the squared variables. We show that for all these problems we get at least 12/37 relative accuracy of the approximation. In the second part of the paper we derive the...
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"This report describes the methods and results of an operations research undertaken to assess the effectiveness of World Vision (WV)'s food assisted maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) program in the Central Plateau region of Haiti. The research had three main objectives: (1) to...
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"This report describes the methods and results of an operations research undertaken to assess the effectiveness of World Vision (WV)'s food assisted maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) program in the Central Plateau region of Haiti. The research had three main objectives: (1) to...
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For a long time Air Cargo Revenue Management (ACRM) has been an underdeveloped part of the revenue management subject. Many cargo airlines, or cargo divisions of passenger airlines, have started to implement IT-supported cargo revenue management solutions during the last few years. This paper...
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In this paper, we examine the impact policy choices, including a carbon tax, on the optimal allocation of power across different generation sources and on future investments in generating facilities. The focus in on the Alberta power grid as it is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and has only...
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A collection of lectures from a special summer program at MIT's Operations Research Center treats topics in operations research for industry, military services, and governmental departments, beginning with the principles and application of probability theory.
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