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Work flows in a job-shop are determined not only by the release load and the time between release factors, but also by the number of accepted orders. There has been extensive research on workload and input-output control aiming at improving the performance of manufacturing operations in...
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We consider the problem of planning future order releases in hierarchical production planning and control systems. An established research direction is the clearing function concept: The planned material flow through a production unit is modeled by inventory balance equations for WIP and final...
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The paper presents a simulation study that compares multi-period models for order release optimisation (Input/Output Control with fixed lead times and a clearing function model) with a traditional workload control-based order release mechanism (control of aggregate workload with periodic...
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Card-based systems can be simple yet effective means of controlling production. But existing solutions, such as Kanban, do not typically apply to the job shops often found in make-to-order companies. In response, a card-based approach to Workload Control known as COBACABANA – COntrol of...
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A relevant segment of job shop environments has to cope with specific routing complexity. When order routings are long or assembly structures exist, performance problems arise in the application of traditional job shop control concepts based on workload control (WLC). This paper investigates how...
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Subcontracting can be an important means of overcoming capacity shortages and of workload balancing, especially in make-to-order companies characterized by high variety, high demand variation and a job shop configuration. But there is a lack of simple, yet powerful subcontracting rules suitable...
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A nemzetközi szintű menedzsment-tanácsadás az a tevékenység, amelyben leghamarabb és legátfogóbban jelennek meg a legújabb vállalati koncepciók és módszertani megoldások. Ilyenek . többek között . az üzleti stratégia területén az iparágak, gyártási ágak határainak...
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“The Principles of Scientific Management” by Frederick Taylor is among the first attempts to set up a coherent set of principles and rules in the practice of management. While Taylor seems to have gone too far by claiming that the status of his statements is scientific, we argue that he made...
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Betriebliche Arbeitsgruppen sind eine in der deutschen Industrie häufig anzutreffende Form der Fertigungsorganisation. Betrachtet man die innerbetriebliche Organisation aus der Sicht der Neuen Institutionenökonomik, so kann man die Arbeitsgruppe als eine Institution verstehen, mit deren Hilfe...
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This report summarizes 39 detailed ETLA case studies of global value chains (GVCs). The findings suggest that the value added in global value chains is less tied to their tangible aspects than what conventional wisdom suggests. Intangible aspects of GVCs tend to be more important, but their poor...
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