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-prices, bidders are reluctant to bid above the option price (even though the option is no longer available once an auction has started …). The latter suggests a particular type of anchoring, where bidders use the buy-price to update their expectations about the …
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informed of his value while the other is partially informed. The second-price auction, as well as English auction, has a unique … ex-post equilibrium that yields efficient allocation. By contrast, the first-price auction has no efficient equilibrium …
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expectations equilibrium) in a competitive double auction market? An apparent ex-ante answer is: intelligent enough to perform the …. Yet, laboratory experiments report that profit motivated human traders are able to aggregate information in some, but not … humans are known to use. These markets, too, converge to rational expectations equilibria in environments in which human …
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elicited data. As an illustration, the methodology is applied to a double auction experiment, where traders' beliefs about the …
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pay. We analyze bidding behavior in a first-price auction in which the knowledge of the bidders about the distribution of … the first-price auction exists. …
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In this paper we consider equilibrium behavior in a Dutch (descending price) auction where the bidders are uninformed … auction. We assume that the information acquisition activity is covert. We characterize the equilibrium behavior in a setting …, the Dutch auction produces more revenue than would a first price auction …
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In this paper we consider equilibrium behavior in a Dutch (descending price) auction where the bidders are uninformed … auction. We assume that the information acquisition activity is covert. We characterize the equilibrium behavior in a setting …, the Dutch auction produces more revenue than would a first price auction …
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In Buy-It-Now auctions, sellers can post a take-it-or-leave-it price offer prior to an auction. While the literature …
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. We report a series of first-price auction experiments to measure the degree of inefficiency that occurs with financially …
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We experimentally investigate how reputational concerns affect behavior in repeated Tullock contests by comparing expenditures of participants interacting in fixed groups with the expenditures of participants interacting with randomly changing opponents. When participants receive full...
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