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We consider an in nitely repeated reappointment game in a principal- agent relationship. Typical examples are voter … reappointment if the principal's utility is too low. We identify the circumstances under which such threshold contracts are welfare …
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This paper considers the "DeFi intermediation chain"--the market structure that underlies the creation and distribution of ETH, the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum--to examine how information asymmetry shapes intermediation rents. We argue that using proof-of-stake blockchain technology in...
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We consider an infinitely repeated reappointment game in a principal-agent relationship. Typical examples are voter … reappointment if the principal's utility is too low. We identify the circumstances under which such threshold contracts are welfare …
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We study a credence goods problem - that is, a moral hazard problem with non-contractible outcome - where altruistic experts (the agents) care both about their income and the utility of consumers (the principals). Experts' preferences over income and their consumers' utility are convex, such...
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We examine the role of collateral in a dynamic model of optimal credit contracts in which a borrower values both housing and non-housing consumption. The borrower's private information about his income is the only friction. An optimal contract is collateralized when in some state, some portion...
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This paper analyzes bilateral contracting in an environment with contractual incompleteness and asymmetric information. One party (the seller) makes an unverifiable quality choice and the other party (the buyer) has private information about its valuation. A simple exit option contract, which...
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We address empirically the issues of the optimality of simple linear compensation contracts and the importance of asymmetries between firms and workers. For that purpose, we consider contracts between the French National Institute of Statistics and Economics (Insee) and the interviewers it hired...
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We study mechanism design under endogenously incomplete commitment as it arises in contracting with escape clauses. An …
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I study a continuous time principal-agent model in which an unknown parameter and the agent's hidden effort affect the distribution of observable outcomes. The principal and the agent learn about the parameter by observing past outcomes. The agent's current effort has an implicit long-term...
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A principal delegates the running of a project to an agent subject to moral hazard over an infinite horizon, and cannot observe any of the outcomes. The agent sends reports at each instant t; naturally reports may be manipulated. Eliciting truthful revelation is necessary to the provision of...
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