Showing 1 - 10 of 47
The marketplace, along with its price system, is the single most important institution in a western‐style free enterprise economy. The ability of prices to adjust to changes in supply and demand conditions enables the market to function efficiently, and that ability lies behind the magical...
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This introductory essay briefly summarizes the 11 empirical studies of price setting and price adjustment that are included in this special issue. The studies, which use data from several European countries, were conducted as part of the European Central Bank's Inflation Persistence Network.
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Despite its centrality to the topic, very little attention has been paid to the topic of price changes. Indeed, for the most part, organisations operate under the myth of costless price changes. This article broadens the definition of the costs of changing price and then presents strategic...
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Current European integration very much focusses on harmonisation and convergence. This streamlining goes far beyond what is demanded by economic reasoning and turns out - as the euro crisis has demonstrated - to foster tensions among EU member states instead of promoting a flourishing common...
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We consider the pricing problem of a platform that matches heterogeneous agents using match-contingent fees. Absent prices, agents on the short side of such markets capture relatively greater surplus than those on the long side (Ashlagi et al. 2017). Nevertheless we show that the platform need...
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We derive price limits as decision aids for identifying favorable and unfavorable contracts from the perspective of a selling firm in face of uncertain outcomes. The analysis is based on the concept of almost stochastic dominance to incorporate incomplete information about the decision-maker's...
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Nach der aktuellen Prognose des Arbeitskreises 'Steuerschätzungen' wird das Steueraufkommen von 600 Mrd. Euro 2012 bis zum Jahr 2017 auf knapp 705 Mrd. Euro steigen. Verfügt der Staat damit über ausreichend hohe Finanzmittel, so dass sich sogar Spielräume für Steuersenkungen bieten? Die...
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Der Arbeitskreis »Steuerschätzungen« hat seine Steueraufkommensprognosen leicht nach oben revidiert. Ausschlaggebend waren die geänderte Einschätzung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Lage durch die Bundesregierung und der gute Verlauf des Steueraufkommens der vergangenen Monate. Sie dürfte in...
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Ein harter Brexit ist für das Vereinigte Königreich sehr viel teurer als für die EU. Mit einer »Hard-but-Smart«-Strategie dagegen würde das UK unilateral auf alle neuen Barrieren, also völlig auf Importzölle, verzichten. Damit ist der prozentuelle Wohlfahrtsverlust des UK und jener auf...
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