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The sunk cost fallacy is typically covered in introductory economics courses. It is among the most important biases that influence decision making. Ronayne et al. (2021a,b) find evidence of behavior consistent with the sunk cost effect and utilize eight questions that measure individuals'...
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We study the impact of information on the effectiveness of a taking frame in the context of charitable giving. In our … of information that we provide about the worthiness of the receiving charity. In keeping with our theoretical prediction … is smaller, the more information we provide on the charity. …
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We study the impact of information on the effectiveness of a taking frame in the context of charitable giving. In our … of information that we provide about the worthiness of the receiving charity. In keeping with our theoretical prediction … is smaller, the more information we provide on the charity. …
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Under what conditions can cooperation be sustained in a network of strangers? Here we study the role of institutions and uncover a new behavioral foundation for the use of monetary systems. In an experiment, anonymous subjects could cooperate or defect in bilateral random encounters. This...
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information. Is this accurate? This paper addresses that question by providing a model and empirical test of how citizens' policy … preferences respond to information in the arena of anti-crime policy. The paper's model shows that preferences for anti … crime regimes social policies are. To evaluate the model, the authors employ an information experiment embedded in the 2017 …
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endogenous information structures: Players are uninformed whether the target player cooperated or defected at the cooperation … stage, but can decide to resolve the information imperfection at non-negative cost at the punishment stage. We examine how … resolving the information imperfection) and a «diffusion effect» (defectors make up a smaller share of the punished and receive …
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We present experimental results from a broad investigation of intrinsic preferences for information. We examine whether … people prefer negatively skewed or positively skewed information structures, and how individual preferences over the skewness … and the degree of information relate to one another. The results reveal new insights regarding intrinsic preferences for …
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anonymously in a group, could pay a cost either to obtain information about their counterparts, or to create a freely available … attain higher levels of cooperation compared to a treatment without monitoring. Information about past conduct alone thus …
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-informed agent. In contrast to a rational person, the cursed individual behaves as if part of his private information were common … information between the players. We investigate in this article how the curse of knowledge modifies individual behaviours in … knowledge by varying the information available to the players ceteris paribus. Our analysis of the expectations and choices of …
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-informed agent. In contrast to a rational person, the cursed individual behaves as if part of his private information were common … information between the players. We investigate in this article how the curse of knowledge modifies individual behaviours in … knowledge by varying the information available to the players ceteris paribus. Our analysis of the expectations and choices of …
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