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We use a unique dataset of European performance-fee mutual funds to examine the interaction between explicit incentives (performance fees) and implicit incentives (fund flows) of asset managers. Funds with performance fees face substantially steeper implicit incentives compared to...
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Mutual fund managers' compensation packages often contain relative performance-dependent components such as year-end bonus. We examine the incentive effect of such compensation structure using a dynamic trading model with uncertain expected return and costly information. We show that relative...
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Motivated by psychological evidence that self-esteem plays an important role in individual decision-making, this paper studies how self-esteem concerns influence a manager's effort choice and hedging behavior and how a board designs the managerial compensation in response. We show that when the...
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This paper studies optimal executive pay when the CEO is concerned about fairness: if his wage falls below a perceived fair share of output, the CEO suffers disutility that is increasing in the discrepancy. Fairness concerns do not lead to fair wages always being paid -- to induce effort, the...
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We study non-contractible intangible investment in a dynamic agency model with multitasking. The manager's short-term task determines current performance which deteriorates with investment in the firm's future profitability, his long-term task. The optimal contract dynamically balances...
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We analyze the effects of synergies from horizontal mergers on managerial incentives. In contrast to synergies, efficiency gains resulting from managerial effort are not merger specific, i.e., they may be realized by all firms before and after a merger. We show that synergies suppress managerial...
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Standard principal-agent theory predicts that large firms should not use employee stock options and other stock …
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We analyze competition through incentive contracts for managers in duopoly. Privately informed managers exert surplus enhancing effort that generates an externality on the rival. Asymmetric information on imperfectly correlated shocks creates a two-way distortion of efforts under strategic...
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This study adopts behavioral contract theory through a mathematical model and clarifies the situation in which a fixed …
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This paper demonstrates that a principal may optimally remunerate her agents unequally, even if these have equal characteristics. We show this in a simple moral hazard model where agents' efforts are continuous choice variables. Unequal remuneration allows the principal to minimize...
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