Showing 1 - 10 of 242
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Research shows that highly skilled migrant women often have poor quality jobs or no employment. This paper addresses two research gaps. First, it provides a comparative perspective that examines differences and commonalities in the quality of employment of four highly skilled groups: migrant-...
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This paper aims to pursue a deeper understanding of gendered within-couple allocation of time into paid work and housework in heterosexual dual-earner couples. Relying on the second wave of Harmonised European Time Use Survey (HETUS) data for 10 European countries, we estimate spousal relative...
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Une alimentation équilibrée est le socle sur lequel reposent des vies saines, des moyens de subsistance solides et durables et des économies prospères. En l’absence de ce socle, leur construction s’appuie sur des sables mouvants. Les enfants souffrant d’un retard de croissance ne...
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A boa nutrição é fundamental para se construírem vidas saudáveis, meios de subsistência fortes e resilientes, e economias prósperas. Em sua ausência, a construção é feita em areia movediça. Crianças com atraso de crescimento não se desenvolvem adequadamente e, em especial,...
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Una buena nutrición es fundamental para promover vidas saludables, medios de subsistencia sólidos y resistentes, y economías prósperas. Sin ella, estos empeños se asientan sobre terreno inestable. Los niños con retraso de crecimiento no pueden crecer ni desarrollarse adecuadamente, y...
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At the 2013 Nutrition for Growth Summit in London, 96 signatories (governments, civil society organizations, donors, United Nations’ agencies, and businesses) agreed to support the creation of an annual report on global nutrition that would be authored by an independent expert group, in...
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Good nutrition is the bedrock upon which to build healthy lives, strong and resilient livelihoods, and thriving economies. In its absence, their construction takes place on quicksand. Stunted children fail to grow and develop properly, with impairment to brains and immune systems being...
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This study used a nationally representative survey from the 2012-2013 World Bank’s General Household Survey for Nigeria, to examine the relationship between empowerment, measured using a modification of the Alkire et al. (2013) empowerment index, and household dietary diversity, based on the...
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