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Dieses Buch ist ein wichtiger Diskussionsbeitrag, der Wissenschaft und Praxis fundiertes Material an die Hand gibt, um sich eingehend mit Sozialkreditsystemen zu befassen. Es liegt in der Natur einer ergebnisoffenen Disputation, dass dabei widersprechende Meinungen zu Wort kommen. Social Credit...
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cross-sectional evaluation criteria. For trend estimates and the measurement of inequality, combining MICE with the row …-and-column technique regularly improves the results based on a catalogue of six evaluation criteria including three separate inequality …
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. Evaluation studies of such programmes commonly rely on the conditional independence assumption (CIA), allowing a causal … success, these variables were neglected in evaluation studies so far due to data limitations. In this paper, we evaluate a new … administrative-survey data allows us to incorporate usually unobserved personality measures in the evaluation and investigate their …
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. Evaluation studies of such programmes commonly rely on the conditional independence assumption (CIA), allowing a causal … success, these variables were neglected in evaluation studies so far due to data limitations. In this paper, we evaluate a new … administrative-survey data allows us to incorporate usually unobserved personality measures in the evaluation and investigate their …
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. It examines whether financial behavior, confidence, time preferences, risk preferences and financial literacy perceptions …. A t-test analysis showed that FB, risk preferences, confidence levels, time preferences and financial literacy …, financial literacy perception index and confidence significantly influenced the FB of categorized university students. The risk …
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associés pour mener une évaluation conjointe de leur coopération avec le Burundi sur la période 2005-2011. L’évaluation … Donneurs Parties à l’Evaluation (DPE) à la consolidation de la paix et au développement du pays, l’évaluation se concentre sur … macro-économique. L’évaluation porte sur un champ temporel (2005-2011) et sur une palette d’interventions extrêmement larges …
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The purpose of the evaluation is to provide a comprehensive and independent assessment of the European Union (EU …
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